Author Topic: look here fellas  (Read 2505 times)


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look here fellas
« Reply #15 on: 18 September 2002, 16:03 »
blah blah blah... too much info for my head...


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look here fellas
« Reply #16 on: 18 September 2002, 22:23 »
dude are you snorting crack? my best friend uses Wine to play Team Fortress (it's a mod for Half-Life just like Counter-Strike is) and it works perfectly, all the menus work and everything. Winex is just Wine with some driver support. i had Winex before (found a link to it for free on once) and it worked perfectly as well.

Yay! Now someday I might be able to say "I r pwn joo n00b f@g!" in Counter-Strike.... on a Linux boot.  
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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« Reply #17 on: 20 September 2002, 03:55 »
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
Whoever wrote it is obviously misdirected into thinking that WineX is supposed to be better than native games...

Perhaps we have good reason for believing that, seeing as how TransGaming takes every opportunity to pitch WineX as a "portability technology" that "allows ports to be finished in a fraction of the time."

Joe CTO is going to hear this and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread.  He won't bother with a native port, and just direct all of the Linux users to use WineX instead of asking them for a port.

Now, don't get me wrong; I think Wine is an admirable project.  But what happens when MS changes getTickCount() to return time in femtoseconds, or revs DirectX to 9.0?  Don't say it can't happen; ask the OS/2 team.  

If we continue to rely on WineX for all of our applications to run, then Gates has us right where he wants us: utterly dependent on his closed APIs for our gaming fix, and perfectly poised to "accidentally" break something in Win32 and give all of us the shaft.

In addition, TransGaming has been less than a stellar citizen of the open-source community, repeatedly breaking promises to give code back to the people who initially poured the foundations, and instead opting to make money off of their contributions by releasing them only under a restrictive license, and threatening action against all those who try to package them.

If you want to get some of your games now instead of backing native ports, then go right ahead.  Just don't expect us to back you up when the shit hits the fan.
Staff member at, least reputable news site in existence.


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« Reply #18 on: 20 September 2002, 04:15 »
Originally posted by Calum:
with directX support, surely?

no man, he plays the game in OpenGL mode. i'm not even sure if D3D supports Linux.... ???
maybe that's what WineX is.


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look here fellas
« Reply #19 on: 20 September 2002, 04:18 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
Wine gives the Windows user more incentive to stay booted in Linux for longer periods of time. It would not do the least bit of good for killing windows if there was no capability to emulate it on Linux. Sure Linux would have "more clearer principles" but Billy would be EVERY BIT as powerful. Many Linux users are dual booters who came from a Windows only enviroment. By being able to emulate alot of programs, they will stay booted in Linux longer.

... and continue to purchase and/or warez Win32 programs, even though they're not using Windows, instead of asking the Helping Friendly C Guru in their neighborhood to help port it to Linux.

But, you argue, surely any apps, emulated or not, are better than no apps at all; and you would be wrong.  A software company, always looking out for its bottom line, will only port a game natively if there's a large native market for it.  

WineX *does not* count as a native market, nor does it enlarge any native market that exists, as Microsoft can introduce API "flaws" or "incompatibilities" at the drop of a hat, leaving people who want to play Daikatana II or Serious Sam III in WineX out in the cold.  And most WineX users would rather reinstall Windows than not be able to play their beloved warezed copy of Counter-Strike.  

The only true way to enlarge the native market is to pester software companies to port their games to Linux, or to write Linux-only games attractive enough to pull users from Windows; the only true reason to use WineX is if you have games written by companies that have proven to be hostile to Linux portage (Valve, Blizzard, Microsoft), that you can't do without, and that are your sole reason for not nuking your Windows partition.
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look here fellas
« Reply #20 on: 20 September 2002, 04:20 »
Originally posted by Chooco:
no man, he plays the game in OpenGL mode. i'm not even sure if D3D supports Linux.... ???
maybe that's what WineX is.

IIRC, the bug with the menus only comes up in Direct3D mode, and yes, that's what WineX is for.

[ September 19, 2002: Message edited by: vogon ]

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look here fellas
« Reply #21 on: 20 September 2002, 04:21 »
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:
i am a dual booter and i hate to boot into windows. I run as many windows programs that i like as possible in wine. I only boot into windows for listening to music becausei  cant get my damn onboard sound to work in Linux.

What onboard sound?  nForce, Intel 81x, VIA, or generic AC97?

(And I believe the Cult of Bob is just a lame ripoff of the Church of the SubGenius, of which I am a member, but I'm not sure of it, because the Cult of Bob Web site's down.)

[ September 19, 2002: Message edited by: vogon ]

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look here fellas
« Reply #22 on: 20 September 2002, 04:35 »
Originally posted by vogon:

If we continue to rely on WineX for all of our applications to run, then Gates has us right where he wants us: utterly dependent on his closed APIs for our gaming fix, and perfectly poised to "accidentally" break something in Win32 and give all of us the shaft.

In addition, TransGaming has been less than a stellar citizen of the open-source community, repeatedly breaking promises to give code back to the people who initially poured the foundations, and instead opting to make money off of their contributions by releasing them only under a restrictive license, and threatening action against all those who try to package them.

You are a wise man (or woman)...
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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look here fellas
« Reply #23 on: 20 September 2002, 05:00 »
Originally posted by void main:

You are a wise man (or woman)...

Man, at least last time I checked.  *checks again*  Yeah.
Staff member at, least reputable news site in existence.