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look here fellas

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OH NO! Well this confuses me, I thought Wine/WineX is susposed to be a beautiful addition to the Linux community...

why did you think that?
it allows you to run windows programs in linux, and that has to be somehow destructive given the current political situation in the coding worlds.
quote:Originally posted by vogon:

Speaking as somewhat of an expert on the topic (see sig), it is.  Up until about 3 months ago, Wine was licensed under a BSD-style license.  When a majority of the developers decided to change the license to LGPL, TransGaming took the last code snapshot before the license change and forked it into what is now "ReWind", which retains a BSD license.  They are now trying to coerce the people who voted for the license change and contribute to the LGPL tree (these people include most of the top contributors to the project) into dual-licensing their patches under LGPL/BSD, in exchange for TransGaming code being backported to ReWind (where it can be merged into the LGPL tree).  Legal?  Yes.  Ethical?  Most definitely not.

(and props go to [email protected] for managing to pull this thread out of thin air and report it to the rest of the gang.)

1. The actual BSD-style license that Wine (and now ReWind) are licensed under is the X11.
2. TransGaming itself did not fork ReWind, but rather the developers who preferred the X11 license (some of whom may have been working for TransGaming.)

--- End quote ---
this is very interesting, and it is exactly the reason why i infinitely prefer the GPL to any BSD style licence. I did not realise that wine was not GPL.

give people the choice to be selfish arseholes, or altruistic saints, and at least one person will turn out to be an arsehole.

[ September 17, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Wine gives the Windows user more incentive to stay booted in Linux for longer periods of time. It would not do the least bit of good for killing windows if there was no capability to emulate it on Linux. Sure Linux would have "more clearer principles" but Billy would be EVERY BIT as powerful. Many Linux users are dual booters who came from a Windows only enviroment. By being able to emulate alot of programs, they will stay booted in Linux longer.

Master of Reality:
that article pissed me off. Whoever wrote it is obviously misdirected into thinking that WineX is supposed to be better than native games... thats phuxored.


quote:Originally posted by lazygamer:
Wine gives the Windows user more incentive to stay booted in Linux for longer periods of time. It would not do the least bit of good for killing windows if there was no capability to emulate it on Linux. Sure Linux would have "more clearer principles" but Billy would be EVERY BIT as powerful. Many Linux users are dual booters who came from a Windows only enviroment. By being able to emulate alot of programs, they will stay booted in Linux longer.
--- End quote ---

i disagree, and i think i have the right since i am one of those dual booters, i do not have wine on my system. i did once, but it never worked for me.

i run windows programs in windows, and linux programs in linux. This is the best way, and here follows the reasoning:

i used to have photoshop installed. i also used to have dreamweaver.

now i use gimp and emacs (although i spent about a week using mozilla composer), because i have made a bit of effort and now i prefer them to their windowy counterparts. If i had got photoshop and dreamweaver to work in wine (i did try them both once) then i might well have never used gimp and emacs, never have learned how to hand write html and never have even realised the benefits of running a program natively.

if people do not make the effort then they will not reap the benefits and no matter how good wine is, that will not change.

[ September 17, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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