Miscellaneous > The Lounge
bCentral (formerly LinkExchange)
The Bad One:
This is my biggest gripe about M$ - taking a decent FREE web site service and making everything cost money and harder to get to.
I needed to get statistics for my web site that only LinkExchange could provide, now this service doesn't exist anymore (either that, or it's harder to find). The only thing M$ seems to have kept is FastCounter - and I remember the site trapping me in an endless loop when I tried to sign up for one.
so what services do you need? i'm sure somebody here will ba able to think of an alternative...
I use Webalizer on all my servers.
The Bad One:
I can't remember what it was called, but you submitted the link to your website and the service generated reports on how long your page took to load, how compatible it is, how popular it is... It even gave its own award for optimised sites.
There are a lot of those sites out there. Search google for "HTML validator".
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