sadly the entire world seems to be seeking to emulate the atrocious mistakes of the US.
Indeed! For generation after generation, you constantly hear people bitch about the gov't, the politicians, and what all is wrong with the country. And yet,
every time Election Day rolls around, the majority of the whiners never bother to show up at the polls, and those who do keep voting for the same dumb-asses they complained about for the previous 2, 4, 6 years. There are any number of capable candidates running in almost every election. Candidates of integrity, with fresh ideas that might just stand a chance of doing some good, and you hear folks say how wonderful they are. However, they run on Third party tickets, or as independents, so when it comes time to make that committment, these dumb-asses wind up voting for "the lesser of two evils", meaning a Republican or Democrat. That despite the fact that it was a Republican and/or Democrat that fuxxored everything up in the first place! And then it starts all over again: whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch for the next 2, 4, 6 years.
We haven't had a new party since 1856; something just ain't right about that.
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