Miscellaneous > The Lounge



after spending a day on the unix.com forums/*just reading, there is mostly extreme advanced stuff that i know but a little on*/ i want to share with you the things about it i liked. they use a liquid style theme, it looks just kinda like macosx. another thing i liked about the place/*you probably would too*/ was the very advanced topics. like i was reading through a thread about the options of the grep command and how to grep for certian lines of text. from what i read off it was more of an informative forum, rather then the nice community style that the fuckmicrosoft forums have. i would recommend reading some of there threads, you might learn a few things check it out at www.unix.com

however, since it is informative, there is not as much FUCK MICROSOFT stuff floating around as there is here. owell

Cool forums...

looks good right enough, not what i'd expect (though i don't know what that would be...)

edit:- i signed up!

very cool. they have a lot of different colour schemes! including a christmas one, how odd...
Mucho good reading for me i think!  :D

[ June 17, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Dude, you guys are reading my mind! I just signed up there yesterday.

Master of Reality:
when i tried to register and clicked 'I agree' it wouldnt connect.


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