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h4x0r1nG (where is choasforages?)
Master of Reality:
rope + duct tape + your brother = fun
Where did chaosforages go?
don't know! does this mean i must keep an eye on this forum since i am the only regular admin of it?
quote:Originally posted by -=f00bar=-:
Odd. So your brother is a l33t h4xor. Sweet.
--- End quote ---
He was doing that as a joke nob jockey, he is an obsessive star wars fanatic, and plans to dominate the Cult of bob but i hold im back (Not that he has a hope anyways)
quote:Originally posted by The_Muffin_Man/B0b:
Where did chaosforages go?
--- End quote ---
His parents took away his interweb connectivity because he was getting a bad grade (talking about cruel punishment!)
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