Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Ummmmm, another newb driven away

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Dude...Datacide smoked crack.  

But thats ok.  Anyhow, I agree that having another OS probly isn't an efficient use of his time, especially to make it in ASM...anyhow.  I do find it funny that the same people post on all the boards and I see the same names over and over again.  It's kinda like a group of friends though and that makes it kool.  Im a n00b right now but hopefully not for much longer...

yeah. he was sooo butt hurt about it that he talked a bunch of shit about "us" on a couple other forums, and then came back to tell us about it. lame.

Shit like that dosen't help

fuck me eh!  :D

datacide is a fucktard and if a thousand fucktards came here i would consider it a great benefit if we drove them all away.

in my opinion people should THINK.


quote:0versight: One reply you should really think about is Refalm's.
--- End quote ---

Soory about that, had to post it  


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