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AOL granted patent for instant messaging technology

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Technically, the patent is for ICQ.  However, as Fett1011 has already stated, AOL bought ICQ, so the patent is theirs, as far as I can tell.

Maybe we should start a fuckaol.com forum?  :D


NOW THERES IRONY (lets do it)


quote:Originally posted by choasforages:
they call it a free country, but hey can own a way of thinking??? and my parents are still under the illusione that it is a free country. and good articles not aimed at the technical type? im going to print out the article on the pregnant women getting abused at the airport
--- End quote ---

you have no context, say sexually abused.


quote:Originally posted by choasforages:

well, did'nt icq exist bfore this patent was filled
--- End quote ---

Well, ICQ existed prior to 1993, and apparently that means that their patent goes back to that time (I'm not sure, I'm not a lawyer).


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