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Japanese Xbox woes...


What with From Software's recent release of Murakumo, I thought it was high time I actually succumbed and bought an Xbox.

At the time of release I had heard frightening stories that a lot of Xbox units scratched discs and crashed (the game freezing mid action). I thought this was a lot of zealous raving, after all if Microsoft actually released something with these kind of problems they would be utterly screwed in Japan. Surely, they could not be this stupid?

Alas, my idealism got the better of me. My new Xbox has had to be sent off to be fixed, the reasons:

[*]Scratching of game discs (luckily I got my money back).[*]Games "freeze" mid-action.[*]Discs are inexplicably ejected mid-game.[*]Game saves disappear.

To top it off, I will lose ALL my game saves after the service (game saves are generally too big to be put on a memory card and they have to "re-format" my Xbox hard-drive).

Colour me an unhappy British guy living in Japan  :mad:

Master of Reality:
that microsoft for ya... fuck microsoft.

...as for the games themselves. Halo leaves a bad taste in my mouth, not only is it a Bungie game but it also sucks terribly. The latter five levels will have you gouging your eyes out through sheer tedium. Marathon it aint.


quote:Originally posted by Cacophanus:
Colour me an unhappy British guy living in Japan   :mad:  
--- End quote ---

Colour me a jealous Dutch guy  :D


quote:Originally posted by BadKarma:
Colour me a jealous Dutch guy   :D
--- End quote ---



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