Miscellaneous > The Lounge

A new name is coming.

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Soon (I'm shooting for this month), this website will be reborn with a new name.  I'll usher in some long-needed content updates as well.  If I can orchestrate everything simultaneously, we'll also debut the new and improved e-mail signup process also.  (Which will also allow you to change forwarding online, too -- no need to pester me anymore.)

And with the new name will come . . . (drumroll) . . . the return of the online store!  (For those who hadn't heard, Cafe Press shut it down because they wrongly feared that "fuckMicrosoft" infringes on M$'s copyrights.  The new name shouldn't have that problem.)

This name will hopefully allow the site to be referenced in the media, which has had no problem interviewing me before, but has often decided not to use anything I said, solely because they can't get past the name of the website.  I got THIS close to being quoted on CNN.com two months ago, and "the F word" killed it for me.

It also allows that whiny teacher who e-mailed me to finally be able to use this site in his classroom.  And allows the countless little babies who e-mailed me complaining about the name to finally be able to forward it to the friends they were holding back from telling about this site.

All the current URLs will still work, and you can still get e-mail addresses and virtual hosts under all the current domain names.  It's just that the MAIN name, the one that's presented to the public, will change.

For somewhat obvious reasons, I can't disclose the name at this moment.  I'm in the midst of some delicate negotiations, but it looks like everything's OK.

So . . . stay tuned, kids.


I hope this doesn't mean bad words are going to be bleeped on the forums now like some other we boards I could name *cough*taoofgaming*cough*. That would take all the fun out of this place.

Fuck that!   :D  

Looking forward to it!


quote:Originally posted by Macman: LITERALLY a fuckass / b0b:
I hope this doesn't mean bad words are going to be bleeped on the forums now like some other we boards I could name *cough*taoofgaming*cough*. That would take all the fun out of this place.
--- End quote ---

Psst. Macman. Your host is showing.


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