Miscellaneous > The Lounge
I'm such an idiot ....
What's the proper way to remove a socket A heatsink? Do I just push the clips down? I'm afraid I might break it... and that's not a Good Thing
Installing it was a lot easier ... heh
found it out
(I knew I had to have cooler manual around here somewhere ;) )
A google search on the subject delivered very few results though .... strange.
Apparantly, my colleague who assembled my computer for the most part, drived a few screws in too fast in the mainboard and I can't remove them.... would the motherboard survive the pressure needed on the clips to remove the heatsink? I'm not really planning on finding out....
Pah ... I was so hoping to be using my new Athlon XP 2000+ right now :(
Master of Reality:
go for it!
i dunno, it should. Just buildup a lot of static electricity on yourself when you do it.
That post brings me back to when i tried to get a 386 workin (and adding a processor) and cut myself and got blood all over the motherboard and broke it and everything else inside. It was funny.
Take a screwdriver and make sure to get rid of the static by touching the screwdriver to your PS. Of course the PS must be shutdown from the switch behind it and the power cord must be unpluged.
Most likely one side from your clip will be shaped to accept a crewdriver. In any case carefull push the clip downwards. CAREFULLY. The clip will be released and you are home free.
If you cant get it done with the 1st try, leave it as it is, take a 20 min brake to relax your hands if you are that nervous and try it again.
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