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research on M$ :)
i just found out that my English teacher is going to let us pick our own topics for our research papter, and i'm going to make mine about our good friends at Microsoft, and just how bad it is. My teacher just warned me not to make it too opinion based, but i believe there is enough microsoft corruption to leave my opinions out of it. if anyone has any other ideas about what makes microsoft bad that is not already in the feature article in this site, please tell me!! (hopefully i won't make this article too long)
fuckmicrosoft.com is definatly going to be one of my sources, but i'm told that i can not give a direct connection to this site in anything but my works sited page cause of that nasty little 'fuck' in the name, but oh well. this will probibly be the best research paper i will ever do, cause it's about something i've been obsessed with for a long time. who knows, maybe i'll even be able to convert my teacher who uses M$ powerpoint to 'illistrate' is lectures(which doesn't help much, but i don't like the class that much anyway...)
[ December 10, 2002: Message edited by: Siplus ]
My last research paper was a proposal argument to get my University's library to switch all its computers to Linux. I got an 'A' on it ;)
edit: and I wrote it in openoffice.org! (of course)
[ December 10, 2002: Message edited by: Linux User #5225982375 ]
Siplus, basically there's a lot of good stuff about MS corruption in the microsoft in the news forum, going right back to the beginning. A lot of the threads start off with a link regarding a particular bit of microsoft sleaze.
This also has the benefit of not needing you to quote this site as the source. Also, you can refer to this site as 'The Microsoft Eradication Society website' if you need to, also, you can put the following URLs instead of 'fuckmicrosoft.com' they are all redirects to the front page of the site:
quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
My last research paper was a proposal argument to get my University's library to switch all its computers to Linux. I got an 'A' on it ;)
edit: and I wrote it in openoffice.org! (of course)
--- End quote ---
Now I have had a theory about you from the first post I saw you make in these forums. I may be completely off base on this and let me know if I am. I have always thought that when you made a post you were obviously making the post to incite a lot of rebuttal, including your tag line "Open Source Now? Open Source Never!". I always felt you were just trying to gain as much anti-M$ material as fast as you could and that you just may not have been as pro-M$ as you appeared to be.
Was this in fact just a sick (but smart) way to gain information for your research? If so, I would have to hand it to you that it was very tricky and underhanded, but very effective. I always got the impression that this is what you were up to and why I was always so happy to reply to your posts. And include a few rib shots.
If this is the case, and this goes for anyone else, would you mind posting copies, I for one would certainly be interested in reading them. especially if this forum is helping you get good grades in school papers.
Make a nice new thread for the paper and we can tear it appart **cough** I mean glean good argument presentations.
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