I bought Monday, June 30's edition of USA Today. I also have the link, which is
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/technology/2003-06-29-gates-interview_x.htmThey don't have the part of the article which states he forgot his ID... I'll have to type it up from the paper
I'll put the main idea of it right under the headline.
"Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates began Wednesday by showing up at the White House for a meeting with Homeland Security Secretary Tom RIdge -- and being held up at the door by guards because hd didn't have identifcation. Later in the day, Gates gave a speech about privacy on the 100th anniversary of author George Orwell's birth. In between, Gates talked with USA TODAY editors and technology reporters
Kevin Maney and
Byron Acohido about Microsoft's challenges, his work with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and his future. Here is an edited transcript..."