Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Why you should be intellingent...

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me so lost  :(

i don't understand those links of yours about "this is why you should behave", those are just screenshots of you viewing the forums.....

btw, one of you guys said to make screenshots on Linux.....how do i do that? when i push Print Screen then go to what appeared to be comparable to MS Paint and hit past, it popped up the picture of a bomb and said ERROR so it closed it for me.

btw what are all these links to websites for? here's mine so everybody can see my super l337 Macromedia Dreamweaver skills lol my site

it's a program that I think is called "Screen capture."

Master of Reality:

quote:Originally posted by Chooco:
me so lost   :(  

i don't understand those links of yours about "this is why you should behave", those are just screenshots of you viewing the forums.....

btw, one of you guys said to make screenshots on Linux.....how do i do that? when i push Print Screen then go to what appeared to be comparable to MS Paint and hit past, it popped up the picture of a bomb and said ERROR so it closed it for me.

btw what are all these links to websites for? here's mine so everybody can see my super l337 Macromedia Dreamweaver skills lol my site
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if your using KDE it comes with 'ksnapshot' which is an easy screenshot prgram. just hit 'alt+F2' and type 'ksnapshot'


quote:Originally posted by * Red Ranger Software *:
I was expecting something along the lines of "Talking about yourself in the third person eh, Steve?", and instead...

Which hit counter are you talking about?
--- End quote ---


Screen Shooter is the program i use... its a gnome applet!


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