Miscellaneous > The Lounge

JCalculator 0.1 Beta released



My first open source project is off the ground with it's first beta test version.  It's fairly simplistic right now, but I plan on adding more functions and improving performance.


Sign up w/ SourceForge and begin bug testing and
feature requesting.  I am quite proud at my organization here, and I hope to make this a bigger thing.  Maybe I'll replace Windows Calculator on the desktop someday. :-D

Right now, I'm kind of unsure about the installation instructions, and I need a few people to try it out and see what happens or what could be clarified more.

The source is open as am I.  Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Nice Justin! It's always more than encouraging to see people writing open source or free software! I'd be happy to do some testing and report bugs!   ;)


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