Author Topic: Cornered by Microsoft  (Read 873 times)


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Cornered by Microsoft
« on: 3 April 2003, 20:31 »
We all know that Microsoft sucks for various reasons and that using their products is like feeding a monster but what do I, the end-user, do when Im facing a dead end? I've read that switching to alternatives is the best thing to do but here's the problem: Johnnie buys a new PC, latest tech. and all that bullsh*t. Johnnie installs Linux on it totaly ignoring microsoft. BUT, Johnnie has to trash his TV card, DVD decoder card, latest sound system, expensive graphix card, favourite software, devices, games etc etc etc which he was used to using on a daily basis. So Johnnie might be in a better destiny by using the high quality Linux but he will have to COMPROMISE by using a cheaper plain sound system, a not so advanced and supported 3D card etc etc (in essesence, less options). So one could say, why not use both? Well this way im still using MS products so theres no sense in doing it. My problem is that im sentenced to use MS products in order to keep all my cool "appz and progz" and stuff... unless I compromise for less. Its a fact that OEMs are pushed by MS to make Windows Only hardware and software which leaves me, the end-user, without support regardless to the OS I use unless its from MS. Even many OEMs that release Linux drivers, give out betas mostly and crippled versions, not only that but there are so many Linux versions out there that they have to support some and not others. MS has the advantage that Windows is a sort of "standard" (unfortunatly for us) so major developers and OEMs support Gates. I want this microsoft curse to be lifted off me but what can I do since OEMs leave me, the end user, dangling if i choose a route other than Microsoft's?


PS: I DO HATE MICROSOFT, but they cornered me like millions of others. Please help us  :(


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Cornered by Microsoft
« Reply #1 on: 3 April 2003, 21:05 »
look, if you want windows, use windows, if you want linux, use linux, if you want a mac, go and buy a mac. one thing i cannot stand though is a whiner moaning about how oh deary me i just cannot make any choices for myself! oh woe! won't the world make it all easier on me! i am too pathetic to sort out my own life.

first of all there's no such thing as a free lunch, so get over it.

second of all this is the last place you should be spouting your "forced into using windows" crap. most of the people here have chosen to not use windows at all, and are getting on fine. there's no crowd less likely to agree that you have no choice but to use windows.

and all that moronic bullshit about "there's no apps and no games and no programs for linux, and no support and nothing works on it" are about ten years out of date. linux actually supports many many more types of hardware than windows does, especially if you add the stipulation that it must work fine 'out of the box'. don't blame linux because you watsed your money on half baked shit all these years.

[ April 03, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for peace & freedom ]

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Cornered by Microsoft
« Reply #2 on: 3 April 2003, 21:17 »
Well theres someone with an attitude! Looks like you dont catch my drift here. If you read what I said carefully you will conclude that Im looking for a group of people who can actually help other who wanna get rid of the nightmare. Im talking about activism like FORCING companies to take in mind that YES, there ARE people who want to use their products but not under Microsoft OS. So how can we claim to be the "rebels" by not using MS hardware since developers dont give a sh*t about us? I think im raising a very good point here and if you cant answer you better not rather than burying the subject and mocking.


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Cornered by Microsoft
« Reply #3 on: 3 April 2003, 22:05 »
yeah yeah yeah.

"can't answer"

well i agree with all that you said in the second post, even to the point that i have an attitude (everybody has an attitude, or we'd all be mindless zombies, actually maybe some people in the US might not have an attitude now i think about it...)

well i don't know about actively forcing companies to do what you want, but i think companies will certainly willingly do what the majority of their consumers want. this is already happening, and has been for some time. the trend is that it is gaining momentum and things are starting to happen. basically what needs to happen is for all new linux users to make a lot of noise to these companies who make shitty win* only products.

get people to write emails to macromedia and adobe saying how they now use linux and will have to use mozilla composer and GIMP if they won't port DW and photoshop to linux. point out they already ported it to macOSX so what's the big deal and they will start to squirm. actually they will start to squirm when the numbers get higher, which they are doing and will continue to do.

same with all this winprinter and winmodem crap. not only do they have to see their sales go to companies that make proper kit, they need to be sent emails telling them why it's happening. companies are often stupid.

you'll probably find people to join you in this endeavour of yours on these forums, hope you don't take offence at what i had to say.

[ April 03, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for peace & freedom ]

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Cornered by Microsoft
« Reply #4 on: 4 April 2003, 19:24 »
Linux supports most tv cards. (JUST ASK)

Linux supports all good graphics cards (JUST ASK)

Linux supports most good sound hardware (JUST ASK).

If you have any questions on it JUST ASK.

What your problem is that you have not yet received the full benefits of Linux. You need to ASK to do that, because we have one thing Microsoft dont, we have community, we help people effectivly. We are for you, not our own good. (Well I am)

This is to Calum: Once again your being a dickhead, give people a chance.