look, if you want windows, use windows, if you want linux, use linux, if you want a mac, go and buy a mac. one thing i cannot stand though is a whiner moaning about how oh deary me i just cannot make any choices for myself! oh woe! won't the world make it all easier on me! i am too pathetic to sort out my own life.
first of all there's no such thing as a free lunch, so get over it.
second of all this is the last place you should be spouting your "forced into using windows" crap. most of the people here have chosen to not use windows at all, and are getting on fine. there's no crowd less likely to agree that you have no choice but to use windows.
and all that moronic bullshit about "there's no apps and no games and no programs for linux, and no support and nothing works on it" are about ten years out of date. linux actually supports many many more types of hardware than windows does, especially if you add the stipulation that it must work fine 'out of the box'. don't blame linux because you watsed your money on half baked shit all these years.
[ April 03, 2003: Message edited by: Calum: crusader for peace & freedom ]