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Microsoft is a good company, really

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quote: If it ever did(which it isn't likely to) those same idiots would be buying computers with dummied down Linux installs that wouldn't offer the only security advantage that Linux has(root restriction) because the computers would be pre-loaded with distros like Lindows that always have you logged in as root and there would be no root password set for the boxes that use a distro with User/Root privalages.
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Well, I for one would much rather that the Mac OS take over the market than Linux. But in the case you mentioned, it is OSes like Lindows that we don't want to become mainstream, not Linux.


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

A virus could log a user off, but it could not type the password to log in root mode. Or else it would have to take advantage of a security bug which would be patched in a matter of days by the open source community.

And what you said about root password not being included in the computer completely demolishes all your past arguments about users running as root.
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What? That doesn't demolish anything because there are distros that do in fact run as root at all times(like Lindows). Distros like that are the ones that would most likely be pre-loaded on most OEM computers.

The OEM's who chose to install other distros(ones that don't always run as root) wouldn't set a root password due to the idiotic level of the people who would be buying the comps.

Still, the ones that always run as root would be the dominant distros simply because they are the easiest to install stuff on. Consumers want easy.

An advanced user would still install his own distro(one with root/user access) and would have a root password....but remember....90% of the people in this world are not advanced users.

[ September 27, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

Well, I for one would much rather that the Mac OS take over the market than Linux. But in the case you mentioned, it is OSes like Lindows that we don't want to become mainstream, not Linux.
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Sadly, stuff like Lindows would be the dominator because of the lack of skill most consumers have.


quote:Originally posted by Viper:

What? That doesn't demolish anything because there are distros that do in fact run as root at all times(like Lindows). Distros like that are the ones that would most likely be pre-loaded on most OEM computers.

The OEM's who chose to install other distros(ones that don't always run as root) wouldn't set a root password due to the idiotic level of the people who would be buying the comps.

Still, the ones that always run as root would be the dominant distros simply because they are the easiest to install stuff on. Consumers want easy.

An advanced user would still install his own distro(one with root/user access) and would have a root password....but remember....90% of the people in this world are not advanced users.

[ September 27, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]
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That's why Mac OS X is a better choice for users than either Lindows or non-root Linux distros, for the reasons I already mentioned.

Microsoft is a bad company because they make a huge effort to keep us in software communism.


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