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Calums MUSIC

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Hmmmm ... that's been a few years since I last loaded them in impulse tracker f00, so can't help you much with it. Sounds like not enough memory yeah, also make sure you use a driver with MMX filtering....

I'll see if I can dig up some more of my stuff from the internet .... too bad traxinspace is down :-\

There is one linux tracker I found, however it's not impulse tracker like. It's fasttracker like (handles XM files and it's own format (XM based with some other effects)). It's called soundtracker and you can find it at:


maybe I'll actually start doing something with music (read: tracking  ;) ) again .... my taste changed a lot though, used to listen to techno/house, now it's mostly rock music....

I use IT mostly for my [so i like to call it] symphonic metal music, but i do think it's most adequate for techno. All those vibrato/panning/tremolo functions are nice for techno and shit, but not for rock/metal ...

OK, well i've just uploaded another of my fantastic mp3s onto my site, this song's only a few hours old, so be nice to it! Just thought i should let all my avid fans know about it!  :D

I am thinking about taking "Home Sweet Home off the site, till i've done a better version of it, so if anybody wants it, get it now...

good luck and all that! oh yes, the address is http://calumsmusic.netfirms.com

Update for all those who care!  :D

more songs up on the site, and i am writing another one as we speak. I have also added a guestbook to my music site where you can post comments. One thing i'd like to hear about is should i continue having several low quality recordings or should i have slightly less slightly better quality ones? i like to be dialup friendly, that's all. Anyway, now you know..

Yeah, listened to some of your stuff a few weeks ago calum and enjoyed it but forgot to tell you. Keep up the good work.


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