Miscellaneous > The Lounge
quote:Originally posted by psyjax v6.9 /Dave:
hehe.. I said the same thing once.... I don't miss flopies at all
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It must suck to have to burn a CD if you want to show a friend a small file.
ideally, you would buy an external USB floppy drive. personally i think a mac is useless without a floppy drive, and many more recent macintosh desktop computers i think have floppies in them, after the 'iMac has no floppy drive' thing.
The floppy Drive thing was lame, i use removable hard disks at home somtimes, removable because i just have the case sides always off on my PCS. :D
I captured the little kids and shown them pro cult of bob material so they joined and then released them out onto the street.
That image thing is quite annoying. Angelfire doesnt allow images on non-angelfire pages so someone suggested to me to use freeservers and i see that IT DOESNT WORK EITHER!!
Guys, the reason Apple stopped producing floppy drives with their stuff is because floppy drives are too low-tech and we've grown too dependent on them. If you keep producing something people will want to keep using it. This is a GOOD thing.
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