Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Sick of the Bickering
Personally Im ending my war with Microsoft. Im sick of all the bickering. I dont really care if mac, or windows, or linux wins. I just want to be able to use my computer to get what I need done. It just isnt fun arguing anymore. I could spend my time better studying or working on my site.
Ive been thinking a lot lately especially after talking to one of my friends who is a Computer Science major as well, and after I had a 1 hour argument with him over linux vs. windows, we both decided enough is enough. To each his own. I want to personally apologize to all windows users for the name calling and my extremist attitude. I also want to apologize to the mac users for the same reason.
I guess since Im done I might not be able to come back here anymore.
then fuck off you dirty barsted.
Believe it or not, it's possible to not resort to name calling and still enjoy this place.
"It just isnt fun arguing anymore."
Who said it was suppose to be fun? :confused:
"I dont really care if mac, or windows, or linux wins. I just want to be able to use my computer to get what I need done."
If M$ wins, that's the one thing you won't be able to do. His Gatesness will decide for you what you'll be able to get done.
Live Free or Die: Linux
Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.
Yeah, who said it was supposed to be fun? :confused: I don't remember anyone claiming that our goal is to overthrow M$. That would be, for the present, unattainable if not impossible. Moreover, bickering is just our means of presenting our arguments. Who knows? Something useful may come out of that. I'm sorry but I'm not giving up so easily.
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