Author Topic: Sick of the Bickering  (Read 2002 times)


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Sick of the Bickering
« on: 22 February 2003, 11:20 »
Personally Im ending my war with Microsoft. Im sick of all the bickering. I dont really care if mac, or windows, or linux wins. I just want to be able to use my computer to get what I need done. It just isnt fun arguing anymore. I could spend my time better studying or working on my site.

Ive been thinking a lot lately especially after talking to one of my friends who is a Computer Science major as well, and after I had a 1 hour argument with him over linux vs. windows, we both decided enough is enough. To each his own. I want to personally apologize to all windows users for the name calling and my extremist attitude. I also want to apologize to the mac users for the same reason.

I guess since Im done I might not be able to come back here anymore.
Kansas City Hustle


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #1 on: 22 February 2003, 13:04 »
then fuck off you dirty barsted.



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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #2 on: 22 February 2003, 14:09 »
Believe it or not, it's possible to not resort to name calling and still enjoy this place.


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #3 on: 22 February 2003, 14:15 »
"It just isnt fun arguing anymore."

Who said it was suppose to be fun?   :confused:  

"I dont really care if mac, or windows, or linux wins. I just want to be able to use my computer to get what I need done."

If M$ wins, that's the one thing you won't be able to do. His Gatesness will decide for you what you'll be able to get done.    
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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #4 on: 22 February 2003, 16:10 »
Yeah, who said it was supposed to be fun?  :confused:   I don't remember anyone claiming that our goal is to overthrow M$. That would be, for the present, unattainable if not impossible. Moreover, bickering is just our means of presenting our arguments. Who knows? Something useful may come out of that. I'm sorry but I'm not giving up so easily.


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #5 on: 22 February 2003, 18:12 »
Well in that case, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out you fucking coward.


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #6 on: 22 February 2003, 19:47 »
It's this lax attitude "oh I don't care what you do/use, blah blah snort" that is the cause of many bad things in the world.  Of course I respect someone's right to use Windows.  That doesn't mean I won't do my damnedest to convert them though!  Besides, when you know you're right about something, arguing for it is both fun and easy. (Unless you argue with retards who are impervious to logic)


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #7 on: 22 February 2003, 23:23 »
He is a computer Science major and he thinks Windows is better?
  Sorry but your friend is an idiot.

When it comes to regular smo jos I dont get pissed
if they use windows. They really dont know better and its the fault of us that a person that doesnt know any better still uses Windows. We need to inform and then let him make his own mind.

  But if somebody is in the field and he thinks Windows is better, sorry but by default that makes him an idiot for me. Since he is in the field he should know better.


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #8 on: 23 February 2003, 00:08 »
This reminds me of the new

quote: Indeed, our wish is to be Microsoft-free, totally. As a matter of fact, Being m$-free in 1998 == not using any Microsoft products. Being m$-free in 2003 == [not using any Microsoft products] * [not caring about Microsoft at all]. Ranting at Microsoft today looks childish and H4X03-k1dd135-like.

We predict the downfall of Microsoft, they will sink and we no longer need to do anything about it.

I don't think that this is true at all... I have reason to believe that Microsoft will increase market share on it's spyware/operating system.


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #9 on: 23 February 2003, 00:36 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
It's this lax attitude "oh I don't care what you do/use, blah blah snort" that is the cause of many bad things in the world.  Of course I respect someone's right to use Windows.  That doesn't mean I won't do my damnedest to convert them though!  Besides, when you know you're right about something, arguing for it is both fun and easy. (Unless you argue with retards who are impervious to logic)

The problem arises however when the arguing never ends, and in the end you havent converted anyone to your way of thinking, you've just stressed yourself out. Ford users and Chevrolet users have been arguing for a very long time, and I dont see it ending, or accomplishing anything.

By the way whoever it was that said that a computer science major was a fool if they preferred Microsoft is wrong. Currently a lot of jobs require experience with both Microsoft windows and applications that Microsoft has created. Its not always about ideals, its about paying the bills. Being an IT worker who has to work at wal-mart to make ends meet right now, I know. Yes I prefer using linux, but I cant go to a tech support job and say, "Well I dont like Microsoft and I know nothing about their OS, now give me a job." You will remain unemployed.
Kansas City Hustle


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #10 on: 23 February 2003, 00:44 »
Currently a lot of jobs require experience with both Microsoft windows and applications that Microsoft has created.

True dat, but Linux has far, far more growth potential than Microsoft, which is already a monopoly.  People will certainly value those with Linux/Unix experience in the future workforce.  After all, Linux is expected to dominate the server market by 2007.  Who's going to maintain all those servers?  Furthermore, with the maturity of Gnome and KDE (and Gnome is going to be used in umpteen desktops since it is being adopted by Sun and Redhat and Ximian are also pushing it for corporate use)  I suspect that we will need people to write/port apps for these new platforms.


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #11 on: 23 February 2003, 05:32 »
i have been sick of the bickering on this site for a long time, but i will not compromise my opinions and become a cowardly old insurance touting sellout just for the sake of a bit of peace and quiet. too many lazy assed fuckers have done that after realising that standing up for what's important to you isn't that popular.

the people vs microsoft is not just about 'what software is best on my PC', it's economic and social issues being set as a precedent for the way information, public or private, is treated, handled and traded in our near future. don't you care about having a say in the way our society evolves socially and economically? if not then truly, just fuck off to your 9 to 5, collect your middle class sellout salary, invest in your pension and your mortgage and convince yourself of the futility of voting or in fact raising your voice about any issue at all.

more power to people who are willing to voice their personal opinions without fear of embarrasment i say.
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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #12 on: 24 February 2003, 08:03 »
The problem arises however when the arguing never ends, and in the end you havent converted anyone to your way of thinking, you've just stressed yourself out. Ford users and Chevrolet users have been arguing for a very long time, and I dont see it ending, or accomplishing anything.  

There's your problem right there. Ford and Chevy users. Comparing domestic items that suck. As far as I'm concerned, Ford currently holds the title for cars that Suck in the states. Right now they have a problem in Dallas with the PD cruisers crapping out and exploding. And in Texas they advertise the focus as having a european tuned suspension. Guess what? These cars aren't in Europe!!! The roads down here SUCK!!! Bah...screw 'em both. Back to OS related stuff. What about the imports? Everyone knows imports are better. Cars, food, and operating systems. Want to convert them? Hey! Mandrake is french! (not too popular in the states right now, but those people who hate the french because they refuse to help bush oust Saddam need to pull their heads out of their asses...anyways) Known for their wine and cheese! Suse is German! Home of the BMW M3! (and unfortunately the WinCE powered 745i...) And the guy who created the kernel is Finnish! (What else are they known for? Anyone?) And I believe Hancom linux is from Japan. (Home of the GT-R, Honda NSX, the Sard MC8, a Lexus 4.7L v8 powered MR2 and just about anything with 2 or more wheels that goes really fast.) Anyways, hopefully someone picked up a couple of ideas from this.
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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #13 on: 24 February 2003, 10:12 »
The reason I use Linux is not because I hate Microsoft, but because of innovation.  Linux has the potential to be the launch bed for the advancement of technology.  Not in terms of "everybodies desktop" either.  We really have not seen a large advancement of techology in many years.  Sure, we have faster components, larger drives, etc, but nothing that has been really ground breaking.  

I personally put the blame on a closed market.  Closed source may very well be good for financial gain, but by limiting the abilities of individuals to think creatively we have driven ourselves into a rut.  Microsoft, by way of limiting what can be done with Windows, has removed any real potential to be better than what it is today.  You may get a new wizard every time they make a product release, but they are still upgrading instead of inventing.  Large companies fear the loss that change can bring about, and will blindly fight that change till the end.  Microsoft is not the first company to fight such a battle, nor will they be the last.

I say that if someone wants to use a certain operating system, then so be it.  Many argue that Linux still is not ready for the desktop, and in some respects it is true.  But the same held true for those of us who were using DOS in an Apple\Commadore dominated world.  Linux will come into its own.  We will see it grow.  By using it today, you may very well come out with a highly desired career  tomorrow.

Twenty years ago, and before that even, we would dream about a future where computers would simplify life.  A time when my chair knew what position I liked my leg rest, and the television knew what I would like to watch.  Not by means of gross spyware either, but because we would be able to interact with the hardware to a point that it could almost think on its own.  Sounds far fetched?  Sounds like a great marketing scheme for the information collectors?  It is today, thanks to greed and the political views of how our lives should be.  Companies would rather shape our "experience" with their products than create a new innovation.  They want to tell us what we can look at, what we can do with our computers, and ultimetly how we can use technology to shape our future.

Linux has the power to break this paradigm.  It's not limited to stock percentages or return on investments.  It's not controlled by those that want to control us.  Linux can be loaded on our largest computers, as well as devices that are small such as a wrist watch.  It is written by the people, for the people.  It has the power to do what we need today, and the flexability  to do what we want it to do tomorrow.  Let's see Microsoft try and do that without a patch.

Take away a man's ability to think, and you take away his reason to live.


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Sick of the Bickering
« Reply #14 on: 24 February 2003, 11:30 »
is it me, or does anybody else fell crippled when using windows. i guess im too used to kde, and the also the rich commandline environment i have setup. i go to do something and about 15 clicks later i realize what i just did could have been done with a few keystrokes. and apathy doesn't get anybody anyware, you forget i was a warez kiddie, i had windows for free, and whatever else i fucking wanted. and now i use freebsd/*and other opensource operating systems such as darwin, debian and slackware*/, why? becuase it has more cool shit to play with then any warez site could ever offer. besides, most of the stuff in /usr/ports kicks the shit out of proprietary software anyway. and if you are using linux, install apt and find a few kick ass apt sources and you will get the same feeling. my political hatred of microsoft started long after i was a linux user. microsoft and other propriatrary software and software patents axes creativity. lets see, ibm, sgi, apple, are starting to use more opensource software. look at ibms solutions, they have some pretty awsome stuff in the java department/*i see it as they kicked sun's ass at the java game*/ and  look at apple and its darwin core. i have used osx before, and it is very unique. and it was kinda "creative" to put the whole thing ontop of mach./*well, the only other people using microkernel achiteture are the hurd people, and its still slowly creeping along*/ also look at sgi, and look at the altix/*sp*/ supercluster. 64 proccessor linux ontop of a large numaflex system. /*lets not get into details*/. now lets look at microsofts inovation, wait their is none, do i see windows running on supercomputers? NO. do i see the source? only if its shared, but i don't plan on selling my sould to the devil. do i see them inovating with java? NO. they are "inovating" it with this thing called .net. which is a java spinoff, however it might endup being the only "creative" thing they do depending on its implementation. do we see them helping opensource developers? NO. we see them strangling the market with xbox's that won't boot anything but microsoft. we see them pushing pallidium, which is a set of locks THEY controlle to keep you from inovating.
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