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The intelligent Japanese

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Doctor V:

M$ is loosing their grip...

Hahahahah! Well the Japanese know quality when they see it and don't take kindly to shoddy work.

This will hopefully be a familiar theme for M$ now.

Ta tah Bill.

anyone notice how this is happening all the time now? It'll only get better.

The Japanese are cool, well except for the whole Pearl Harbor thing. But a couple of nukes sure put em back in line.

[ July 10, 2003: Message edited by: The member formerly known as Macman ]


quote:Originally posted by The member formerly known as Macman:
The Japanese are cool, well except for the whole Pearl Harbor thing. But a couple of nukes sure put em back in line.

[ July 10, 2003: Message edited by: The member formerly known as Macman ]
--- End quote ---

edited so i do not come off as a complete asshole  ;)

[ July 10, 2003: Message edited by: ecsyle:951 ]


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