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The intelligent Japanese

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quote:Originally posted by The member formerly known as Macman:
Is that that porn with tentacles and stuff?
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And guys who get turned into girls through bad experiments and then get raped by thier best friend. God bless the Japanese!

[ July 11, 2003: Message edited by: Fett101 ]


quote:Originally posted by Fett101:

And guys who get turned into girls through bad experiments and then get raped by thier best friend. God bless the Japanese!

[ July 11, 2003: Message edited by: Fett101 ]
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Not only that, but also raping your chemistry teacher every day, and then giving her some sort of a drug and telling her that you'll stop if she...

Oh, fuck it.


quote:Originally posted by TheQuirk:
Oh, fuck it.
--- End quote ---


Yes bombing the japanese was bad, it never helped anyone.

But we are joking people. It's a joke. Whether it be in bad taste or not it's a joke. Don't base your opinions on people who have these jokes because just like me and forty-million other ppl, we dont care. lol.


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