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quote:Originally posted by xyle_one:
so, what do you type in to get linux??? i put "real os" and it brought up a bunch of linux and mac sites (mostly linux). i don't think that it fits the theme though.
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I put "the best os" and linux.org was #1

[ September 21, 2002: Message edited by: trc3 ]

Master of Reality:
Microsoft tops Google hell search rankings
By John Lettice
Posted: 18/09/2002 at 17:30 GMT

Weirdisms in Google's ranking system are sent to entertain us occasionally, and as we've had this one from a couple of people today, we suspect it's new. But don't blame us if it's not, we lead sheltered lives sometimes.

Currently, if you type "go to hell" into Google, then Microsoft Corporation, Where do you want to go today? comes first. This is particularly outstanding given that the number two slot is occupied by hell.com itself, which seems to be a very weird site we do not understand (told you we lead sheltered lives).

Honourable mention in third place for AOL Anywhere, which does indeed seem to us a possible definition of hell. Then they get kind of normal.

Wandering round the topic we tripped over The official Microflaccid page, which reports a couple of similar incidents. And then there's The Register, which covered a couple here and here.

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the register reported it too.

apparently it was on slashdot first.

also, weirdisms? it's a deliberate easter egg fergodssake!

hey! i found another uncanny weirdism in google!!!!

go to google.com and type in the word "Calum" and the word "Music", and then hit 'I'm Feeling Lucky'...

Master of Reality:
go to www.googl.ca


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