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Does anyone know how a 1GHZ system with a modern 3D card on Linux compares to the same system on XP? I'd be curious to know how much more efficiently Linux could utilize that hardware.

i could if you sent me a 1ghz pc with xpiss and a 1ghz system so i could build a LFS/*linux from scratch*/ system. at first you would say now thats biased, you optimized the hell out of the LFS system, but the fact is, is that you could and can and maybe should. linux will always be able to beat windows in speed becuase of the kernel hackers way of thinking "its not done till no faster could it run". and with out going through all that linux does kick the shit outov xp for stuff like quake3 and quake2, i have a copy of quake2 that loads in less then 1.5 seconds. quake three loads in less then 10. on a 400mhz pc!!!, beat that with windows xp

o, and voidmain, figured anything about x11 yet

[ June 27, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]

Hey Quirk,

I think you're right, and you should consider what Timothy Macinta says about bloat :
M$'s products keep mushrooming in size ...

Linux can run on any pc, although you should consider older versions for pc's under 100 Mhz.

Just 'cuz M$ thinks its OS's need very fast computers all their geek lame followers will say the same.

ummm, they don't think there computers need fast comps, they need fast computers to run that fat bloat ware, get a *modern* version of windows running on a 60mhz pentium, on a 512 meg harddrive,   and having it do useful things. hmm, netbsd can, freebsd can, openbsd probably could, debian can. ChoasNETOS will be when i find out howto compile the X-windowing system/*hint hint voidmain ;) */ or maybe


quote:i could if you sent me a 1ghz pc with xpiss and a 1ghz system so i could build a LFS/*linux from scratch*/ system. at first you would say now thats biased, you optimized the hell out of the LFS system, but the fact is, is that you could and can and maybe should. linux will always be able to beat windows in speed becuase of the kernel hackers way of thinking "its not done till no faster could it run". and with out going through all that linux does kick the shit outov xp for stuff like quake3 and quake2, i have a copy of quake2 that loads in less then 1.5 seconds. quake three loads in less then 10. on a 400mhz pc!!!, beat that with windows xp
--- End quote ---

Goddamn that's great! I f**king love Half-life, now I can actually play some of those levels in a few mods that are a littttle too slow for me.  


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