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Hotmail email
You need life
hotmail, in the early days, was a breeding nest for hackers, just like outlook express and winblows. You could find lots of sites about it just by typing 'how to hack hotmail' in your favorite search engine. However, in their usual style:
1. Release shitty software, with lots of sec. holes and bugs
2. Wait for complaints and bug reports by users
3. Release a path for the software / Update the software
Microsoft has fixed all these enourmous security holes.
And, LukeHasj, i think that 'Losing trust' in microsoft is't quite correct. We all know that hotmail is a shite slow website that mostly crashes my p133 pc when i type www.hotmail.com and that you only get 2560 KB, and everywhere you look you see things like 'Microsoft' and 'MSN' and 'Sign up now!'. But still, thousands of people register on the shite site everyday. Just because it looks good and it's easy to use, according to them. They simply have way too much trust in microsoft, they're not gonna loose it. Even if the
bugs were still there, most people wouldn't know.
I hear lots stories from lots of people who get hacked by friend, just for fun. What do they do ?
Get a new hotmail account and again starts the vicious circle.
And if i scream 'fuck microsoft, windows sucks!' they'll look at me like i'm a shithead idiot, because,
1. They think they have such a cool computer and run such cool games that windows is a part of this
2. They think windows is so easy to use, and so user-friendly, and just because it runs, it is ok for them.
quote: But there is a difference between driving a Lada and a Mercedes.
-- The Death of a thousand strings, Robert Jung
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quote:And if i scream 'fuck microsoft, windows sucks!' they'll look at me like i'm a shithead idiot, because,
1. They think they have such a cool computer and run such cool games that windows is a part of this
2. They think windows is so easy to use, and so user-friendly, and just because it runs, it is ok for them.
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Thank you f00bar! I totally agree with you. I use Windows XP and it sucks! It's incompatible with a lot of programs. My friends say: "It works fine on my computer.". Yeah, it works fine for playing games and stuff, but when you want to do more and use more, you'll get an error message followed by: "We're very sorry for this to happen (bla-bla-bla). If you click on send report than we will administer updates for Windows XP (yeah right, I think M$ doesn't even read the reports). We are not after your personal data (no, only what games and programs I use)."
But n
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:
I use Windows XP and it sucks! It's incompatible with a lot of programs.
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why do you use it then?
quote:I think M$ doesn't even read the reports).
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i reckon they search the file content for certain keywords.
quote:We are not after your personal data (no, only what games and programs I use).
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i think they are after a lot more than just what games and programs you have. It's all about monitoring trends, and assembling statistics, that's where the money is.
quote:(yes I know that there's a compatibility button, but it seems this doesn't work)
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what a surprise!
Windows XP work great! But when you try to do more that Minesweeper and Windows Messenger it begins to suck.
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no, it sucks right out the box, you just don't usually notice it until you actually start trying to use your computer to do things that you want it to do properly. That's when you get to leave minesweeper and solitaire behind, and play the much more grown up game of 'BSOD Chicken'.
quote:originally posted by LukeHashJ:
Besides knowing someone's password, its damn near impossible. Microsoft guards hotmail like stink on a monkey. If it was found out that hotmail could be hacked, people would lose trust in microsoft, and in turn nobody would buy from them.
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just think about that for the nonce, are you really saying what it looks like you are?
it looks to me like you are saying "Microsoft are the best coders in the world. it is impossible to hack into a Microsoft server because nobody is better at computer security than Microsoft's employees." so are you saying that?
i liked the bit about people losing trust in Microsoft, except that what you say isn't true. I have heard of numerous holes and flaws in the whole .net situation, and i'm not even interested. "oh yes but all those holes are fixed now!" the words reach my subconscious mind through the ether. Well that's exactly what they say *every* time, and every time, a new M$ security hole is discovered. There are and have been plenty ways to hack into M$' .net services for those determined enough, and people are still signing up in their thousands every day, so obviously the herd mentality is stronger than the urge to THINK for most people......
[ April 01, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]
there *was* a backdoor into hotmail.
You could send an e-mail formatted in a certain way to a certain email address - and the robot would pick up the email and reply to the desired address with the details (including password) of the account you asked for.
This was a while back k - so dont ask how.
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