Miscellaneous > The Lounge
Stop racial profiling!!
Over the past few days ive read several disturbing messages from two different people (they will remain nameless x11 and masterofreality) aimed at the US and Australia. We must accept that all americans are greedy, capitalist pigs, bent on pushing people around and taking over the world. We must also accept that all australians are wild, bloodthirsty, primitive animals who are exact clones of paul hogan.
I speak generally of course (even though this is true for every last American and Australian on the face of the earth) and its my hope that we can put aside our differences and treat each other like the greedy, molevolent, geekish, terrible human beings that we all are.
Here have some Beer.
<= is an american that hates capitalism
and not all Austrailians are like Crocodile Dundee. Some of them are like Nicole Kidman. Some are like Baz Luhrmann. Some are just regular guys.
Probably cooler people than Americans. Definitely cooler than most idiots over here think.
America... we really do suck!
Who the hell cares mate... Its just some jokes... In australia you have to put up with this bloody shit all the fucking time mate. So fuck you macman :D , I bet you havnt even wrestled a croc to its death. Because your a fucking pussy mate. Grow some fucking balls mate!!! For gods fucking crokeyness sake of all judahabadaaa.
Anyway im off, a dingo stole my Slack cd's!
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