Author Topic: Grow up and learn to use WIndows  (Read 1065 times)


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Grow up and learn to use WIndows
« on: 9 January 2003, 21:17 »
Hi All,

I've been sipping a few this evening.  I had an interesting exchange with the Director of IT where I work today that I though that some of you might be interested in.  My damned WinNT server at work croaked again today.  It happens about three of so times a week.  One of his people was in my office trying to get it to realize that it did have a printer attached to it (again).  He made an interesting comment. "Jim, you should grow up and learn to work with Windows, and stop fighting it."

There's a lot of stuff behind this, I really liked working with the VMS and Solaris servers we used to have before he came and converted our servers to WinNT and Win2K.  I also used to be able to rely on our systems to get shit done.  After all, they, unlike his crappy Windows servers actually DID work.

I responded to him that I DID "grow up" and now use only Linux at home and would be a lot more productive at work if I had servers and computers with "real" OS's to work with in the office. I have to do real work with computers and Windows computers can't handle real work.  I am so frigging sick of having to try to do work with a broken OS and rebooting half a dozen times daily and losing work because of crashes.HE wasn't too happy with me. This happens a lot, but since he doesn't outrank me, we're sort of equals but in different areas, it's a draw.

What's really horrible is that he's really now a bad person, just a windroid who has bought into Microsoft's bullshit.  He really believes that Windows and Microsoft IS the way to go!  He has lost sight of the fact that his position is to provide employees with the tools that they need to get their work done and instead is trying to get everybody to dance to Microsoft's music.  And the tune keeps changing.  So we are supposed to keep learning the new steps.  All I want to do is get my work done. He's only interested in installing newer and worse M$ software on my machines.

I really don't like Microsoft, but if their OS were stable and usable... hell, I'd use it and not whine too much.  But it's broken.  It's slow and kludgy.  And it sucks.  God! I hate windroids and wish that there were some way to keep them from ever becoming CIO's.  Does Microsoft buy them off or are htey really so damned stupid that they believe all the bullshit that M$ pounds down their throats?

Ok, like I said, I've been sipping. I needed to blow some steam off.  Have a good one!  I'll have another beer.

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Grow up and learn to use WIndows
« Reply #1 on: 9 January 2003, 21:30 »
bitch at him. bitch to your boss, and give a presentation. tell him that most teen's when we grow up, learn not to crash, unlike  I.T. admins that learn to crash, say that to him....
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Grow up and learn to use WIndows
« Reply #2 on: 9 January 2003, 13:01 »
Yeah, I've been there and done that many times over. At least 3 or 4 times a day I would go into my anti-M$ rant with someone. I lose more friends that way.    Of course I had around 75 NT servers and around 40 bigiron UNIX servers to tend to at my last job. 98% of my time was dinking with M$ servers or leading an MCSE out of a jam. The UNIX servers just gave me all sorts of luvin.
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Grow up and learn to use WIndows
« Reply #3 on: 9 January 2003, 13:48 »
the occupational facts seem to support you on this one. people who come up with statistics about why windows is more productive in a work environment are usually quoting off websites it sounds like, and the likes of void main and dosman seem to be saying that their statistics come from hard experiance. there's no website can beat that level of knowing what's what, but as we all know, managers don't seem to know how to manage unless they have worked their way up from the ground level which is less and less common as time goes on it seems (and even then some are desperate to forget that the people doing the work have the best knowledge of how to do it).
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Grow up and learn to use WIndows
« Reply #4 on: 9 January 2003, 19:35 »
Don't reboot yourself, call Windoid in to do it.

I am sure he'd love to help you "work with" his beloved MS Windows.


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Grow up and learn to use WIndows
« Reply #5 on: 9 January 2003, 19:43 »
Originally posted by void main:
The UNIX servers just gave me all sorts of luvin.

That is a remarkably worrying sentence.
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