did you stop using trellix?
My site used to be made completely with trellix (except for the music pages), and now that i stopped using trellix and started doing everthing myself. I have found out that trellix did some stupid things to my site. I wouldnt have cared at all if i didnt want to switch it all over to my own HTML.
It makes a new menu frame for every page on my site.
It named all the pics a string of numbers, so it was hard for me to find out which one was which.
I have renamed all my pages (and their frames) and fixed it so that all the pages use the same menu.
I renamed all my pics (and i have a lot of them).
Now, i have to fix all the links in all my pages, so that you will see the images.
I still have a lot of work to do on it. I might have it finished by next week.