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My site: Opinions, criticism, advice?
Aaron Ni:
Here it is, it's been up since June of 2001, until Januarary it was made with Trellix software but it just looked shitty. Then I just updated it a week ago. This also appears to be the first "My site" style post so lets see if this catches on.
Hey I like it. It's nice and clean and easy to understand. I like the motife with the "." infront of the various links.
One thing that does kind of bother me is the neon blue background. contrasting with the black makes it hurt my eyes after a while. Try toning it down a little or consider using white instead of black text .
Aaron Ni:
It's sort of a slate blue but I'll check into toning it down, that's the first time someone's mentioned that. Originally the background was bright blue, seriously bright.
quote:Originally posted by Aaron:
It's sort of a slate blue but I'll check into toning it down, that's the first time someone's mentioned that. Originally the background was bright blue, seriously bright.
--- End quote ---
Ya, web development can be tricky like this because it's bound to look diffrent on everyones monitors because of various factors etc. Best bet is to make sure your monitor is well callibrated, on a Mac I use ColorSync Im not sure what goes on on the PC side.
Also, it's a good idea to keep several browsers on your HD to get an idea how it looks. I saw your page using Mozilla. Finally, go to a friends house or log in using another computer just to make sure it's looking good on as many screens as you can find.
Make the blue lighter, blue is good, but not that gay WIndows XP blue..... Mandrake Linux Blue.
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