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Taliban online
ummmmmmmmm no witch i wasn't...I was merely pointing out the diversity in the Army today and correct me if I am wrong but wiccan isn't exactly a main stream religeon...the litterature I've read didn't exactly call it a religeon as much as a "way" And considering satanism is based on lies and wiccan is based on harmony with nature, truths and self symbiosim...the only way the two could be associated is by not lumped into a generic altruist category. Soz if u thought I was insinuating something.
what I meant by the following comments;
I fight today so my children may not have to tomorrow...the ultimate in optomist views...hopefully my action now will eliminate the necessity for my children (or anyones for that matter...as in the future generations)will not have to join a military service...in other words...A wish for the obselesence of this particular profession. (I joined the army to be a Sergeant Major, Not a spelling Major...forgive the syntax)
We (as in military service members) are willing to die to protect these freedoms (the rights every human has inate...just for being born...the whole life liberty and the persuit of hapiness stuff...to include freedoms of speech to bash us for what we do). Todays U.S. Military is joined solely by the volunteer. For the most part, we all know the consequences of our enlistment (though there are those that do it for the college money and are absolutely clueless that there is a strong possibility they encounter peeps who would love to see them very dead through a most torturous and grotesque manner). Therefore, we sign by contract, through our own values, ethics, standards, convictions or motivations to place ourselves in harms way to defend these values that most Americans take for granted and don't realize how precious everyday practices (such as accurate news reporting, public speaking against establishments, my favorite....the right to rub one off to a nice playboy mag) are comparitively to many other countries world wide...
What I am not trying to say is America is bigger and better than any other nation. Although I have detectewd in these forums a certain amount of spite versus Americans, it is the right of those peeps to express that dislike which is the very essence of wwhat I defend. America has assumed the role we're in because no one else will, has, or want's to. Many of which are actually appoinments from the UN, some of which the nations leaders have taken on thierselves to undertake...It is not my place as a servicemember to endorse nor oppose any of these policies. I am required by oathe to support and uphold decisions and orders of those appointed over me. It's not brainless, It's loyalty to a belief and my own pricipal that I gave my country my word I would defend her to the best of my ability. Sorry if this was long winded, but I tend to wrap myself in the Living Colors of my Flag. Patriotism is not a concept to me, it is a fact, a part of who I am and a way of life.
Was that over serious or what!
So ummmmmmm....did that answer your questions or did I rattle on and provoke more awe inspiring requests. Could you hear the star spangled banner playing as you read that post...I just read it...ok, it's cheesey but it is how I feel and what I believe...as niave or robotic as it may seem, we all gotta be something. If one chooses to be a loser and becomes a looser then he is not, he has succeeded in his goal!
It's not cheesy.
I, personally heard the music from "Patton"
Wait wait wait.
You're in the Army?
Jesus, man!
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