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window washer 4.7


hello all i'm a bit new to this forum i was reading an article by bob on this site about cleaning files and stuff is window washer any good? and is it safe to wash slack file space with it and after washing it will my progs still run

thanks  pumpybottom   :confused:

It's good enough that your mom wont find traces of your stuff. But far from thorough.  :D

What would be better is, if when other people logged on to your computer, they had to provide a password, and then if there was a way that they couldn't see your files, because they wouldn't have permission to read them, almost like... almost like...hmmm

JK... if you don't get it, then |_|r 4 933]<!  :D

!!!! rudecat, i had to delete *five* of your posts just then because they were all full of NOTHING USEFUL!!! i was going to close the thread until i realised that people might want to actually reply to this topic...

for instance, i recommend PurgeIE for getting rid of any and all files related to your internet browsing and i also recommend IEradicator which will free up a lot of space which gets filled up unnecessarily by internet explorer.

re: rudecat's comments, i agree, if you had an operating system that allowed each user to have their own files, required password based logging in for each user and didn't allow users to view each other's stuff unless they expressly set them up to be shared, then you would not have this problem...

Sorry, my bad! I need a lame thread to experiment in. This was the lamest, because it is a silly Winderz issue.

Seriously though: If you really want to hide your Pr0|\|.....

then use password protected zips.  :D


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