Author Topic: OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!  (Read 2060 times)


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« on: 24 September 2002, 23:22 »

I found this on Slashdot, thought y'all might find it good for a laugh or two.


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #1 on: 24 September 2002, 23:38 »
I especially like this reader feedback.  
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #2 on: 24 September 2002, 23:41 »
Oh my goodness. The twat speaks again. Is this man for real. I mean he stated in that speech, that M$ cannot beat Linux on price, he accepted that at the moment M$ cannot beat linux in clustering (ooohhh...big fucking suprise there Ballmer me old mate) and cannot beat it on value.

"We will beat Linux on clusters. We can't beat them on price, but we have to add value."  

You see that? They have to add value in order to beat current Linux.

Read it carefully. You can see that he is stating that currently M$ cannot efficiently distribute Bug fixes, is not really changing it's security policy and is so blind they will not even develop for a growing market of prospective customers, because they like to use other peoples products as well.

Who wants to be an MVP. Recognised by your peers not through an exam - That should be I know nothing special but I have kissed Ballmers big fat flabby one.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #3 on: 24 September 2002, 23:59 »
What I find more interesting than anything is that I have now read through about half of the reader feedbacks and not a *single* one has been pro-M$.  Every single one has slammed monkey boy and Microsoft.  And most have been pro-Linux.  

Now a few months ago you *never* would have seen this at most it would have been 50/50 mixed with pro-M$ drivel.  I suppose it could have something to do with the /. effect but still. I am very excited about the changing in attitude and the realization that M$ is bad bad bad bad...
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #4 on: 25 September 2002, 00:15 »
I think it's because people's mindsets are changing, they have realised they don't need M$.

Lets face it M$ is becoming easier and easier to put down. And as more people convert more problems with the way M$ works are discovered. It's all a kind of knock-on effect. The pro M$ ers are keeping low, because they don't usually win a fight - except M$ is well user friendly like - now that depends on your opinion.

[ September 24, 2002: Message edited by: pkd ]

[ September 24, 2002: Message edited by: pkd ]

Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #5 on: 25 September 2002, 00:24 »
Here's an example of why M$ is about to die a rapid and painful death and why open source rules.

[ September 24, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #6 on: 25 September 2002, 00:44 »
can i get a round for this guy?! and a one finger salute to M$'s death?

Dear Mr. Ballmer,

You seem to have finally realized that you can't embrace/extend/extinguish Linux, and that MS can't simply bankrupt the companies who support it ( as you have Novel, Netscape, and several hundred others ). With the provisions of the GPL you can't even steal it and give it away for free just to drive the competition out of business ( as you did with Stacker, Netscape, and a host of others ). Most of MS' unethical tactics won't work against this slowly awakening giant. With your SPA/BSA insult letters and your new larcenous licensing program, you have driven many previously loyal customers away. Once I was a Microsoft booster, now I am a critic. Linux did not cause this, you did. If Linux supplants MS-Windows, it will be Microsoft's own fault.

Because of Microsoft's business practices our company has replaced their products throughout the business. Some people have pointed out that we are only 350 people, therefore too small to take as an example. However, companies like us are the majority of Microsoft's market. Many small companies who need computers to do business run MS-Windows because (1) it's easy, and (2) that's what comes on them from the vendor. Due to Microsoft's behavior, this is changing. Vendors are finally offering alternatives for the first time in over two decades. Companies like our own are discovering both BSD and Linux. We switched our DPC from Windows NT to FreeBSD. We switched our workstations from Windows NT to KDE/Linux. We had no problem finding Open Source applications to replace SQL ( MySQL ), IIS ( Apache ), Exchange ( Send Mail ), and MS Office ( Sun Star Office ). Was all of this free? No, absolutely not. However, it was the same functionality for a lot less money. This saved the company several hundred thousand dollars a year. This enabled us to avoid layoffs and save jobs, which means we saved PEOPLE. What's more important to your company?

It is having to make decisions like this that are actually driving companies away from MS and toward Linux. Linux is not attracting us, Microsoft is pushing us away. The problem is in Microsoft's own behavior ... and it can only be solved with soul searching, then action to change your unethical business practices, and most of all valuing your customers. Until then Microsoft will continue to lose customers, and once gone they may never return. This trend is not someone else's fault, it's a direct result of Microsoft's business practices. Therefore, it can't be fought by out-smarting someone else.

Microsoft must look in the mirror with honesty and walk away a changed beast, or no amount of vendor lock-in commingled spaghetti code can save you.


At my workplace, we are investigating alternatives to M$. i am using StarOffice and mozilla, most of the staff is using mozilla now as well. We are looking at mac for our workstations (Architectural firm, we need autocad or something better, like Archicad). My goal now is to learn linux and get it running in place of our win2k server.


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #7 on: 25 September 2002, 00:48 »
There be a lot of "MS will" in that.

Question, why "will", why not "have"?

Posting security patches is a security risk?  I've noticed the Linux community seems pleased to provide such patches as it makes a better product.

Hey that's it Stevie 'Monkeyboy' Bullmer... BETTER PRODUCT.

I'm in business and I'm not moving over to open source software for fun.  It aint the price Stevie it's the BETTER PRODUCT.

Oh, did I mention that Linux/GPL/open source is a BETTER PRODUCT?  I think I did.  :rolleyes:
Open Source Software - What is the compelling reason to use anything else?


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #8 on: 25 September 2002, 02:45 »
Yay! MS is dying! My guess is that Palladium is their last chance to live, let alone have a future 8 years from now, so they are putting all their efforts into the big P.

They may be in so much trouble that Palladium just won't succeed in time. There is still the risk of them succeeding. So, if everyone interupts the Palladium launch somehow, MS is doomed.

Wow, can you believe the MS saga is playing out like an epic story about an evil empire? So the final battle will take place in 2004 no doubt. They will either win, or lose. If they look much worse in that year, we would know for sure that they lost.

BTW, when will Palladium be started?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #9 on: 25 September 2002, 02:50 »
2 or 3 years so i am led to believe.


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« Reply #10 on: 25 September 2002, 02:57 »
Hmmm I came across this article.


When does this happen?
Published reports have suggested as early as 2004. I'm pretty skeptical about that. I don't think Palladium will be ready for significant commercial release that soon.

Once Palladium is released, I expect it will receive a very cautious reception. Customers with the greatest need for security--financial, health care, and government organizations--will be the first to adopt it. But even then, there will be a lag. The market will wait for proof that Palladium really is trustworthy. It will also wait for all the new hardware and software that will be required for Palladium to function. If Palladium is successful, it could be a nice shot-in-the-arm for the beleaguered hardware industry.

My best bet is, we won't see significant real use of Palladium in real-world applications before about 2006, and that the whole grand strategy won't really hit until the 2008-2010 time frame.

If they need to wait until 2008 until massive implementation, they lose! Is this article accurate?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #11 on: 25 September 2002, 06:43 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
Yay! MS is dying! My guess is that Palladium is their last chance to live, let alone have a future 8 years from now, so they are putting all their efforts into the big P.

They may be in so much trouble that Palladium just won't succeed in time. There is still the risk of them succeeding. So, if everyone interupts the Palladium launch somehow, MS is doomed.

Wow, can you believe the MS saga is playing out like an epic story about an evil empire? So the final battle will take place in 2004 no doubt. They will either win, or lose. If they look much worse in that year, we would know for sure that they lost.

BTW, when will Palladium be started?

hmm.... Palladium is starting right now. Some new laptops already have 'fritz' chips.

Anyway, you touched on soemthing.

Perhapse Palladium is a M$'s way of holding the front. It's trying to lock in the market so that the threat of Linux as the desktop OS of the future will be lessened.

Since they can't compete, they will trap everyone they can before Linux takes over.

When this happen's I'll switch to PC and run RedHat.... or maybe wait till Project Marklar goes thrugh  :D


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« Reply #12 on: 25 September 2002, 07:45 »
The very fact that MS is even talking about Linux is proof that they are scared.


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« Reply #13 on: 25 September 2002, 08:31 »
Hold on a second, if palladium is turned off by default, and relies on palladium enabled software, this means two things:

1) dipshits will not turn it on (continued insecurity)
2) dipshits will have to upgrade their $oftware. (microsoft's real intention)

But like someone mentioned, it will be about two years for this scheme to launch.  That means that palladium will be an unknown vaporware until then, in the meantime, people are going to be asking questions, and frankly, there is enough time for people to realize that it is crap!
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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« Reply #14 on: 25 September 2002, 08:53 »
Its half true that the frizt chips are already with us,  the chips in question are the new mobile P4 processors for laptops codenamed "bianas" or somthing, they are not out till next year anyway.

Besides laptops are complete systems anyway, but also whats crucial is that for these things to work you need the new version of windows, windows Longhorn.

So we are safe for the time being.