Author Topic: OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!  (Read 2062 times)

Doctor V

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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #15 on: 25 September 2002, 21:18 »
Here is M$'s plan.

First see to it that fritz chips are on all PCs.  That is so that everyone will have fritz chips even before paladium is out.  Since they have already monopolied both Intel and AMD into TCPA, they seem to be achieveing this already.  The only question is wether on not non fritz chips will be available at all in the near future.  Notice that fritz chips are coming out even before Paladium is ready.  The windoze upgrade cycle will ensure people have them.

Now that they have everyone on fritz already, and the have the masses using XP, they start putting paladium on people's computers.  Remember their EULA's folks, thats right, M$ has the right to automatically install software on any computer using XP.  People may not really want Paladium, well, they will get it anyways.  Notice that many people have already adopted XP.  And they will stop supporting and offering non-palladium software as well.

Now Bill 'Hitler' Gates has full control of peoples computers.  So next, he sees to it that only signed software will run at all on the computers of the masses.  This forces developers to make only signed software, which cannot run on linux.  Perhaps he could even Monopoly the chipmakers into making it so that only windows runs on their chips, who knows, by this point he can do whatever he wants.

So, who is going to stop this from happening.  Seems to me that the anti M$ folks are just waiting to see what the US gov does in its current lawsuit.  Somehow I don't think were going to see anything significant from them.  By the time the gov adresses the paladium issue, it will be too late.  People are stupid.  And they will just stand around and let this happen before their very eyes without even lifting a finger.

Anyway, I am scared of this because Paladium could easily get out and become mainstream even if nobody really wants it.  M$ has a reputation of using every dirty trick in the book to force their will upon people.  To stop this, its going to take a major move from someone.  If serious action is not taken, M$ will get its way.



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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #16 on: 25 September 2002, 21:27 »
Are you in Yokohama Japan, or Yokohama the fast food chain that sells yummy teriyaki chicken bowls, and crispy egg rolls with yummy sweet and sour sauce?

How come we don't have "hungry" instant Graemlins?
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!

Doctor V

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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #17 on: 25 September 2002, 21:52 »
Originally posted by RudeCat7:
Are you in Yokohama Japan, or Yokohama the fast food chain that sells yummy teriyaki chicken bowls, and crispy egg rolls with yummy sweet and sour sauce?

How come we don't have "hungry" instant Graemlins?

So now there is a teriyaki fast food chain called Yokohama...what will they think of next.  Live in Japan, born and raised in the US.  Guess I should make that more clear in my profile.



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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #18 on: 25 September 2002, 22:51 »
oops Novell is pissed. M$ say bankrupt and Novell say $600 million in the bank and sales growth.

Similar to above story.

let's hear ya developers developers developers ...makes you wonder if they are ever going to shut the idiot up.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #19 on: 25 September 2002, 23:17 »
What more value could Microsoft poosibly add? More spyway or more more DMCA crap? Maybe both will add more "value".

And yes Monkeyboy (Steve Ballmer), your developers suck!

The only survival change Microsoft has, is doing less spyware, less DMCA, less bugs and more listening to customers.


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #20 on: 25 September 2002, 23:59 »
Well, M$ only shows 45% of their code in their "shared source" program.  That's because the other 55% is spyware/bugware/DRM and back doors. I have a feeling the percentages that people will ever see in the future (if at all) will be even less.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #21 on: 26 September 2002, 07:20 »
Just what is being shared in their shared source program anyways? Windows XP source in general?

Now Bill 'Hitler' Gates has full control of peoples computers. So next, he sees to it that only signed software will run at all on the computers of the masses. This forces developers to make only signed software, which cannot run on linux. Perhaps he could even Monopoly the chipmakers into making it so that only windows runs on their chips, who knows, by this point he can do whatever he wants.

Sounds scary, so the question is not whether Palladium is dangerous, but how do we mobilize the troops? The best thing I can see for now is getting an anti-palladium site into a very high position on alot of search engines. Not sure if it would add it automatically or not. Search engines are susposed to automatically add content, or so I've heard. Perhaps something in the site that fools search engines into thinking it's a pro palladium site or a general palladium info site? Then someone types in Palladium or Palladium FAQ etc.

While you might think that the search engines are in bed with Microsoft, I think the search engines have to be one of the most moraless, neutral, libraries of corruption I've ever seen. If people truly had jurisdiction over what gets on there... I would know.  ;)

What I want to know is, if Microsoft goes bankrupt, will Fritz be a technology that fails to go anywhere(but still stays in chips perhaps) because open source has taken over the market? If MS does go bankrupt and fritz just happens to be everywhere, then perhaps the fritz threat is essential to not getting blacklisted by people? Any source that is closed in an OS could hide a Fritz. Hmmm could usher in an era where paranoia of Fritz makes closed source OS's obsolete?

What if someone had XP, and some Fritz tech at the same time, will MS really bother implementing Fritz stuff into an XP service pack(or phoning home and secretly installing it), or will they just wait until Longhorn? I would hope they'd wait until Longhorn, XP is not so bad if you have a pirated version(so i've found).

Ok suppose we go back to an earlier windoze, would MS have dormant Fritz installing backdoors in those too?
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #22 on: 26 September 2002, 11:28 »

i nearly ranted this

but it is a circle jerk

ballmer needs to realise that the internet is not a place

and that an operating system is not an ideal

and that we are not an army

and that he is not a general


he is a jackass
just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #23 on: 26 September 2002, 20:34 »
I think that Microsoft will make palidium, have a very vitorious battle to figt the other Operating Systems, and then Microsoft will be shut down by the DOJ. Of cource, this is a prediction.

Maybe Microsoft will get shut down for fruad or somthing. My philosphy is too do things when you can, and as soon as you can. If you have an idea, do it... You may not be here tommorow.

I will crush Microsoft myself, i get enough money when im 18 (result of legal stuff) too goto the USA, where i will gather a live MES. Where we will be phisically connected, not over the net.

I think my plan would be too form a group inside Microsoft. From inside Microsoft i would get co-workers and convert them too Anti-Microsoft.
Because i did convert my school to Anti-Microsoft (Simpily by dumping anonymus Anti-Microsoft documents around the place), so i can convert a office of idiots. (If you want too learn how clever the Microsoft Employee's are, then see Windows XP  :D

Doctor V

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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #24 on: 27 September 2002, 07:05 »
Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b:
I think that Microsoft will make palidium, have a very vitorious battle to figt the other Operating Systems, and then Microsoft will be shut down by the DOJ. Of cource, this is a prediction.

Well,I think you overestimate the DOJ.  For one, both M$ and the pigopolist RIAA and MPAA have enough money in the pockets or the politicians and have so many lobbists working for them to impact the DOJs decision in a major way.  Furthermore, given the slow pace with which the DOJ reacts to these types of issues, hearings would not likely begin until after the Palladium release -notice pc with fritz already on the market, and longhorn underway-  and by the time all trials, appeals, sentencing, and sentancing appeals have been concluded, it will be almost too late to save the industry.


Maybe Microsoft will get shut down for fruad or somthing. My philosphy is too do things when you can, and as soon as you can. If you have an idea, do it... You may not be here tommorow.

I will crush Microsoft myself, i get enough money when im 18 (result of legal stuff) too goto the USA, where i will gather a live MES. Where we will be phisically connected, not over the net.

I think my plan would be too form a group inside Microsoft. From inside Microsoft i would get co-workers and convert them too Anti-Microsoft.
Because i did convert my school to Anti-Microsoft (Simpily by dumping anonymus Anti-Microsoft documents around the place), so i can convert a office of idiots. (If you want too learn how clever the Microsoft Employee's are, then see Windows XP   :D  

I like this attitude.  People need to take real action to stop this.  Waiting around for the DOJ or just posting anti-TCPA material on webboards is not enough.  Getting people informed and getting them to switch to linux when possible are steps in the right direction.  Now, take that XP off your system.  M$ probably makes money off of the spyware that is included with it.


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #25 on: 27 September 2002, 21:34 »
if there was a group put together to spread information about palladium/tcpa/etc..., i would join in a heart beat. It isnt enough that i 'tell' people about the horrors, i need something physical to show them. Even a web page is shunned as bullshit. We need written material to give to people. I have reached a few people though, some are looking at new os's, the rest at least changed to a real browser(opera/mozilla).
ecsyle one.

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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #26 on: 28 September 2002, 01:56 »
what type of written material do you suggest? Surely a website is considered to be written.
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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #27 on: 29 September 2002, 02:56 »
yes, a website is written material, but not many people consider it a valid source for information. If there was some physical document to place around places like CompUSA, best buy, and others, i think the message would be spread to a larger audience. there are not alot of people like me who look for news/information online. Some people, like most of my freinds for example, still look at local news, newspapers, magazines(newsweek, time.....)for their info. i dont think websites really catch 'new' people, i found this site because i got pissed off at windows and typed 'fuck microsoft' into a search engine, most people wouldnt do that(though, alot do, look at the amount of registered users on this forum). I just think that to educate the masses, we need to aim for the masses. Not just at the people who already hate and fear microsoft.if i am talking out of my ass, please let me know, it has been a long ass night    


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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #28 on: 29 September 2002, 03:26 »
fritz chipas are among us:
IBM Corp. said the ThinkPad T30 high-end notebook computer it rolled out Wednesday (April 24) is the first system to use a new class of hardware security chips defined by an ad hoc industry consortium. Some models of the T30 will include an Atmel Corp. processor that complies with the Trusted Computing Platform Alliance (TCPA) specification version 1.1, IBM said.

from Attrition.Org
Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.



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OOOOO!!!! Linux, b scared, b very scared!!!
« Reply #29 on: 29 September 2002, 12:12 »
Ballmer is a non-technical dipshit. A jock, through and through.

But at least now they are admitting Linux is a threat. But its already too late. Remember Commodore? yep.
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