Miscellaneous > The Lounge

'I Love Windows' Forum

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f00bar posted a thing elsewhere in miscellaneous about whether there were any windows forums out there, presumably so people can go there and mouth off, since all the denizens of those sites have been coming here with their idiocy recently.

Well i don't know if i'll be doing that, but since he asked, and for other people's info too, here are a few that i found:

The Windows BBS
personally, i think this should be the windows B$.
You know all those "help, i can't use windows xp, but i am too much of a lamer to get linux" posters? they should go here instead. be sure to read the strict forum rules before posting.

The EasyWindows Forum
This one reads more like a bunch of people who have found a lot of niggly problems with windows but have no idea what to do about them. A community of people huddling deeper into the windowy murk, trying to keep each other warm against the bitter cold of Microsoft.

The BlackCode.com Windows Forum
They also have a linux forum, so the site itself doesn't seem prejudiced, I bet you get some raving  windoids posting there though! also there is a Spanish forum here if anybody's interested!

The M$N Communities 'I Love Windows XP' forum.
This speaks for itself.
This is an actual Microsoft site, just so's you know before you go clicking on it...

And lastly,
The Sysopt.com forum read this fantastic definition of windows 95!

Any other good ones, anybody?

as i said, calum, thanks.
are you active on one of these forums under a different nick/whatever ?

:confused:  no, why do you ask?  :confused:

WindowsBBS looks rather like this one, but with more psychedelic colors and too many forums. Confusing and too much LSD for me. I haven

Master of Reality:
the windows BBS needs you to use an e-mail provided by your ISP. And i am too lazy to configure my e-mail with my ISP.

I posted some things in the "we love XP" forum.
I have to have a shower now, i feel so dirty.

the easy windows forum was just stupid.


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