Author Topic: this place sucks ass  (Read 6068 times)


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« Reply #45 on: 18 November 2003, 14:21 »
Linux User... that's just exactly what's needed. It supports X11 calls so existing software can run.

I like it...

Here's an idea guys... USE THAT!
Go the fuck ~


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« Reply #46 on: 18 November 2003, 17:53 »
You are right, X11 cant draw a line or a curve. Gee Wiz Jimmy James, Using X11 is like using a TI-82 graphing calculator. No wait, the calculator has a better gui.

Nothing you say can convince me that X11 is trash. In fact nothing you say will convince me that Macs arent proprietary, bullshit, so similar to microsoft windows. Where is the source code to quartz? How much did Mac OS X cost you? Maybe the truth of the matter is that your insecurities about mac os make you trash talk linux so much.
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« Reply #47 on: 18 November 2003, 17:54 »
Believe me, it will be widely used once it has stabilized... it's kinda beta now.  Also my current laptop has a Savage 8MB video card, so alpha blending would probably be horribly slow on it.  When I get back home I may test it on my athlon system with a geforce 4.


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« Reply #48 on: 18 November 2003, 20:44 »
<sarcasm>I can see why Linux isn't ready for the desktop in some peoples eyes.

In order to over take M$ and  apple.  It would first need to crash ALL THE TIME!!!!

Have virii and trojens up the wazooo!!!!

Not be able to change the UI to the way you like it!!!!

And Oh, have poor security! </sarcasm>

To bad Linux has non of these traits eh?

Oh wait, so thats why linux is better than any desktop OS!!!

[ November 18, 2003: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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« Reply #49 on: 18 November 2003, 20:52 »
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
<sarcasm>I can see why Linux isn't ready for the desktop in some peoples eyes.

In order to over take M$ and  apple.  It would first need to crash ALL THE TIME!!!!

Have virii and trojens up the wazooo!!!!

Not be able to change the UI to the way you like it!!!!

And Oh, have poor security! </sarcasm>

To bad Linux has non of these traits eh?

Oh wait, so thats why linux is better than any desktop OS!!!

[ November 18, 2003: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

And these problems affect Apple how?

OSX still trumps linux in the user-friendly area, while providing all the security and custimizability.


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« Reply #50 on: 18 November 2003, 22:18 »
Mac OS X running X11 (for Jimmy     ):

cant change screen resolutions without restarting x. Windows lets me. OSX lets me

No they don't. They do an auto-reset for the UI.
You can configure X11 the same way.

IMO, most of you just fail to understand the X window system.

[ November 18, 2003: Message edited by: insomnia ]

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

Injustice is happening now; suffering is happening now. We have choices to make now. To insist on absolute certainty before starting to apply ethics to life decisions is a way of choosing to be amoral.
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« Reply #51 on: 18 November 2003, 22:54 »
Originally posted by insomnia:
IMO, most of you just fail to understand the X window system

No, most of us don't want to.

Why should I have to have an indepth technical knowledge of a GUI? Shouldn't it just work right outa the box no questions asked?

Maybe that makes me lazy, or dumb, or something. But other GUI's (e.g. Aqua), have no learning curve. Everything is easely configurable.

Mind you, Im not an X11 hater like Jimmy, though it is slow in some distros and redraw could be nicer.


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« Reply #52 on: 18 November 2003, 23:00 »
Originally posted by ThePreacher:
Nothing you say can convince me that X11 is trash. In fact nothing you say will convince me that Macs arent proprietary, bullshit, so similar to microsoft windows. Where is the source code to quartz? How much did Mac OS X cost you? Maybe the truth of the matter is that your insecurities about mac os make you trash talk linux so much.

lol. thats funny.
As much as i love open source and free software, i am not that concerned with apple being proprietary. They are taking steps to embrace the open source community, but are still a business. they have to make some money to stay afloat. You cant expect them to just open up everything and retire. Drop what they have spent decades building, all to satisfy some linux geeks?? please. maybe its the other way around here dude. You are so insecure about your linux, that you have to bash osx because they did what linux couldnt. made *nix easy, and look good, and still retain all the stability and power that *nix is known for.

Originally posted by insomnia:
No they don't. They do an auto-reset for the UI.
You can configure X11 the same way.

IMO, most of you just fail to understand the X window system.

[ November 18, 2003: Message edited by: insomnia ]

So much for user freindliness. Who wants to manually restart x11? Why should i have to? I shouldnt have to "understand" x11. I should be able to just use it, without some deep knowledge of its source, or why it does what it does. The point of user freindliness is that I can just use it without being a master, you know, like what osx and windows do. I dont have to configure quartz to read my mouse, or have to kill it and restart it when i want to change something. Until Linux is ready for the average "idiot" user, it will never take over the desktop. I dont care how much "better" it is than anything else. In fact, noone does. at least, not enough people to actually matter. Mom and dad sure arent going to switch to a linux distro because it is superior to windows, all they want is something that they dont have to deal with. Get online, type some emails. And not worry about shit. They could probably do this now, but they cant have their aol, or msn, or have the kodak photo software installed that they are so familiar with. My roommate sure as hell wont switch. She tried openoffice & staroffice, and both failed. she didnt like them. She even used them for a month to do her homework. So, no ms office on linux, no switching for her. I think that would apply to alot of people.

The only people i know who use linux as an everyday os, are actually quite intelligent, and like to get their hands dirty, so to speak. They know computers. I dont. Id rather not deal with it you know. As long as i can get my work done with little to no hassle, then im set. Linux does not let me do this. Sorry to say that.


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« Reply #53 on: 19 November 2003, 00:58 »
Linux has a lot of problems, that is certainly true.

However, how long will it be before it catches up to the proprietary operating systems?  I believe Linux is the "internet" operating system; that is, it is a standard that everyone (well, almost everyone) is beginning to rally around, even if they sometimes drag their feet in the process. (see Sun)

I really believe that, given the immensely rapid development pace and adoption of Linux, (China's recent deal with Sun, Brazil's adoption of Linux, big companies and governments in Asia committing themselves to improving Linux to where it can be used by its citizens as a general-purpose operating system) it is only a matter of time - 20 years max I say - before Linux and other free operating systems like *BSD which share a lot of programs (desktop environments, etc) will be the only relevent OSs in existance.

That doesn't mean there will be no proprietary software - it just means the death of purely proprietary operating systems.  Meaning MS Windows will be dead, but OS X will likely still be alive because the core of OS X is open source.


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« Reply #54 on: 19 November 2003, 01:11 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
Linux has a lot of problems, that is certainly true.

However, how long will it be before it catches up to the proprietary operating systems?  I believe Linux is the "internet" operating system; that is, it is a standard that everyone (well, almost everyone) is beginning to rally around, even if they sometimes drag their feet in the process. (see Sun)

I really believe that, given the immensely rapid development pace and adoption of Linux, (China's recent deal with Sun, Brazil's adoption of Linux, big companies and governments in Asia committing themselves to improving Linux to where it can be used by its citizens as a general-purpose operating system) it is only a matter of time - 20 years max I say - before Linux and other free operating systems like *BSD which share a lot of programs (desktop environments, etc) will be the only relevent OSs in existance.

That doesn't mean there will be no proprietary software - it just means the death of purely proprietary operating systems.  Meaning MS Windows will be dead, but OS X will likely still be alive because the core of OS X is open source.

I agree completely. 100%. I just do not think that the time is right for Linux to take over on the desktop. Maybe in 20 years i can ditch osx  ;)


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« Reply #55 on: 19 November 2003, 01:23 »
20 years!

No way, sooner. Id say, maybe 5 years tops. Not for a total takeover, but certainly for total user-friendliness.

Im soooooo loving Slackware 9.1 it's disgusting  :D

My g/f is getting jeulous.


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« Reply #56 on: 19 November 2003, 01:34 »
I agree that linux will be right for the average person in 5 years, for sure.  But 20 years may be how long it takes for MS to go completely out of the OS business (they have 50 billion in revenue or something)


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« Reply #57 on: 19 November 2003, 02:48 »


HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH!! I feel you, brotha', I feel you.


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« Reply #58 on: 19 November 2003, 03:51 »
How is Linux not ready?

Linux can use M$ office.  It can load kodak picturs with ease.  It has MSN/AOL/IRC and even a few other chat clients.

Its stable, its secure and VERY easy to use.  No constant tinkering or reinstalling.

Yes, It may be different than OSX in the way it handles things but as far as the Windows vs Linux goes.

Linux has already killed it.

For the record.  My wife and my parents use Linux and they are total computer illitrate people.  There just people who want to get their work done and not worry about another BSOD or virii attack.  

Linux deliveres this where as windows just does not!
"Regime Change" starts at home!<p>Islam IS NOT the enemy! Against American Terrorism since Sept/11/2001<p>Jihad:<p> <p>new SuSE Linux User!<p><p>If your gonna point a finger at someone then at least have the proof to back you up!<p>trolls are idiots that demand attention by posting whatever is opposite to the theme to ruffle feathers to make people upset!<p>Often these same trolls always mention grammar/spelling since they have no intelligence of their own.


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« Reply #59 on: 19 November 2003, 06:50 »
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
How is Linux not ready?

Linux can use M$ office.  It can load kodak picturs with ease.  It has MSN/AOL/IRC and even a few other chat clients.

Its stable, its secure and VERY easy to use.  No constant tinkering or reinstalling.

Yes, It may be different than OSX in the way it handles things but as far as the Windows vs Linux goes.

Linux has already killed it.

For the record.  My wife and my parents use Linux and they are total computer illitrate people.  There just people who want to get their work done and not worry about another BSOD or virii attack.  

Linux deliveres this where as windows just does not!

Oh, quit foolin yourself  

I use linux every day, and it has a huge learning curve.

Sure, if you got it all configured, it will be rather easy for someone to use. But try and get your wife to solve dependencey issues by herself, perhapse compile from source, and you got a different story.

It is better than windows, but not esier, and it has no Photoshop  :(

Sorry, but the GIMP suxors.... and ya, we have argued that up and down a million times.

I'm typeing from Slackware 9.1, the best distro ever!!!  :D