Miscellaneous > The Lounge

this place sucks ass

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quote:Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:
I agree that linux will be right for the average person in 5 years, for sure.  But 20 years may be how long it takes for MS to go completely out of the OS business (they have 50 billion in revenue or something)
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If anyone doesnt believe linux can be #1 in 5 years, I invite them to look at linux distros from 1998 and compare them with current distros. The difference is night and day.


quote:Originally posted by Ecsyle:

Crossover office will only discourage vendors from actaully writing native software for linux.
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This is true, however you and I both know that microsoft will NEVER write a version of Office for linux, so that is an irrelavent comment.


quote:Originally posted by ThePreacher:

This is true, however you and I both know that microsoft will NEVER write a version of Office for linux, so that is an irrelavent comment.
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If linux takes the desktop in the next 5-10 years, then yes, i do think ms will write office for linux. They will have to in order to remain a player in the field.


quote:Originally posted by The Merciless Darth Jimmy James:
man, this place is a shitty joke. I'm sick with coming to this place where there's no interesting discussion.
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fuck off then.

no offence intended, but you know, thereare internet forums for just about everything. if one doesn't suit you, there are others. erudition perhaps? promote-opensource.org perhaps? etcetera.


quote:Originally posted by Calum:

fuck off then.

no offence intended, but you know, thereare internet forums for just about everything. if one doesn't suit you, there are others. erudition perhaps? promote-opensource.org perhaps? etcetera.
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I'm glad he's here to tell us this! I had no idea there are other forums!  :eek:


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