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Macromedia Flash
I am curious as to everyones feelings towards Flash animations & Websites. I have spent the last few days learning flash and i have to admit i dig this software.
A flash site is extremely annoying to the dialup users(they are in the majority). They have very long load times and after the first viewing are pretty much pointless. I usually skip the flash intro to view actual content. Then you must realize that you can only create flash content on macs and on windows. The real question is what kind of site you are creating. Is it a site to showcase your flash and graphic art skills? Or is it delivering actual content? For actual content I hate flash based sites.
it's worse when they decide to do their ENTIRE SITE in flash
Flash is refered to as "Skip intro" and everyone knows what we mean - they usually laugh.
Flash is cool, I wish we could find a reason to use it.
Users don't like Flash - so if it's a comercial site don't do it.
If it's your "homesite" or personal page do what you want to.
Flash fucking sucks! It should die!
Let me refrase... There is no place for it on the opening page of a web site. It should not be forced on a person browsing a site. If used at all, it should be an option that can be turned on on a site, not a default. Anything that requires a proprietary plugin (or a plugin period) should not be forced upon the user of the site. Flash and the tools to create flash are proprietary as far as I am concerned there is no place for it on the web.
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