Author Topic: apple and aol have something in common  (Read 2025 times)

Master of Reality

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apple and aol have something in common
« on: 22 September 2002, 07:05 »
appple and aol have something in common.
They are both using the 'I'm a dumb shit' ad routine.
This was on the apple site:
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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #1 on: 22 September 2002, 07:17 »
I dunno, he sounds kind of like every windoze user I ever met.  

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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #2 on: 22 September 2002, 07:34 »
ya, but AOL has the exact smae thing except AOL doesnt convert the dumbshits to anything better.
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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #3 on: 22 September 2002, 12:21 »
Because he couldn't find the power button. Doesn't hp put the switch on the back, and leave the front one as a sleep switch only?
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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #4 on: 22 September 2002, 14:30 »
Correct me if I'm wrong, but AOL used to an Apple daughter, right? I heard it once...


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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #5 on: 22 September 2002, 15:28 »
Speedfreak: Compaq (now HP anyway) does that   :D  

Video on PCs does suck, the compression is bad. You lose frames, and 30 mins is still 3 GB   :eek:  

Not only are these people dumb, they look like they are on drugs...all of them. Especially that Eilein feiss thing.


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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #6 on: 22 September 2002, 20:44 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but AOL used to an Apple daughter, right? I heard it once...

Ya AOL was origional an Apple project called eWorld, or iVillage or something like that. It was a big deal for a while, I still have MacWorlds that talk about it.

Anyway, for some reason or other the project fell appart and Aol took their share and made.... well, AOL out of it  :D

Hmmm... Ill look up a link with a more accurate version of the story.


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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #7 on: 7 October 2002, 01:06 »
They need to ditch this moronic Switch campaign and actually show people that their stuff is BETTER.

Not just "easier" but better. I'd love to see a commercial with George Lucas talking about how they used G4s with OS X and Final Cut Pro 3 to edit Star Wars 2.

A commercial that pushes Mac OS X... actually showing it... and letting people see what it's like. Something to get their attention, that's what's needed. OS X turns heads. When people see Apple's computers, they take a closer look, and then they see what's running on it and they look even deeper.

Think Different created an image. The short lived "Everything is Easier on a Mac" dumbed down the image, and Switch is... I dunno. It's not making any headway, but it is ballsy. And dumb.
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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #8 on: 7 October 2002, 01:26 »
Goerge Lucas and Switch ad.

Not gonna happen.

George Lucas part of Dreamworks.

And Dreamworks has M$ money.

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Master of Reality

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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #9 on: 7 October 2002, 01:36 »
Originally posted by SpeeDFreaK:
Because he couldn't find the power button. Doesn't hp put the switch on the back, and leave the front one as a sleep switch only?

holy shit....i never realized that but my computer box does that. I have never actually turned my computer off manually though.
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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #10 on: 7 October 2002, 02:44 »
most computers have a sleep button on the front and a main power button on the back.
/me prods his ibm


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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #11 on: 7 October 2002, 06:01 »
"They need to ditch this moronic Switch campaign and actually show people that their stuff is BETTER."

That's always been Apple's biggest problem: bad ads. Before this latest advertising push, there were all those ads that did nothing more than mention what cool colors Apple computers were available in. BFD! They never said word one about what these machines could actually do. As if I'm gonna buy a computer just for the color of the case. Not good.

About the only good thing that I can think of about the Switch campaign is that they are showing everyone that, at last, someone has the cojones to actually stand up to Macro$uck. Perhaps others will be inspired to follow suit?

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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #12 on: 7 October 2002, 06:12 »
I think the original iMac kind of scared away buisnesses. Would YOU base your corporate network off of little cute, colorful computers?


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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #13 on: 8 October 2002, 07:18 »
it worked for tele tubbies, digipets, and pocket pussies
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apple and aol have something in common
« Reply #14 on: 8 October 2002, 21:36 »
if there had been a less garish color available for the original iMacs... or if the corporate types weren't all lobotomized assmasters, it might have stood more of a chance.

pkd, Lucas and Dreamworks? Don't you mean Lucas and Lucasfilm/ILM? I thought Spielberg was with Dreamworks. Even if it were so (it may be... it probably is) I don't think George Lucas really has much to worry about from Mr. Bill. Lucas is one of the few guys left in hollywood that understands that it's the people who watch his movies that made him what he is. And he doesn't seem to the be type of guy to forget that fact and screw 'em over.

Not like that other sci fi series owned by Paramount that sues fan sites for copyright infringement.

Sorry. Way off topic.

Steve Jobs needs to get a clue about advertising, or go find the guys that Apple had in the mid '80s.

Anybody else think the "1984" ad was genius?
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