Author Topic: The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!  (Read 2113 times)


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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #15 on: 15 June 2002, 18:03 »
chooco, i have not done anything illegal. As i state at the top there, i have access to the IPs that XP User has posted from, but i am not telling you them. I have not broken any confidence by providing any info that you did not already know, and the rules of my contest specifically state that nobody else with priveleged info is eligible.

All the info and motivation for this challenge was already there before i put it into words, and as such i can not be held responsible since i have no part in any exploits which may result.
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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #16 on: 15 June 2002, 20:44 »
You apes don't scare me.  You couldn't hack a Windows 95 box running a cable modem.


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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #17 on: 16 June 2002, 00:16 »
but Calum yer the guy starting the thing, you should be careful about legal stuff. remember that Manson didn't actually kill anybody, he got other people to and he got life in jail....sort of like why everybody wants Osama's head on a post, he's organizin stuff.


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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #18 on: 16 June 2002, 00:33 »
i haven't done a thing.

I haven't organised anybody.

If people do something, they did it themselves, i have not given them any information, and i will not be attempting to hack XP Losers box, since i have no networking skills at all.

However all i was really saying in my original post is that if anybody does do this, i would be interested in hearing about it. That's why this topic exists, for the results.

Also, if this were tried, it would illuminate how secure P actually is in a realtime test. If somebody tries and fails i would be equally interested to hear about that too.

So far though, it seems nobody has risen to the challenge.
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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #19 on: 16 June 2002, 00:44 »
Just read xp users profile and saw he was 11 years old. im sorry, but at first I couldnt understand his childish ramblings, immature attitude, and lack of any true computer knowledge. Now I understand. Here are some things you should know about the real world.

Operating systems are expensive. College Students such as myself cant just have mommy buy us a new computer whenever we want. Ive been using my old 433mhz Celeron since 1998. Simply put the usefulness of the old OS it had (win98) was little. It wasnt up to the standards for XP, not to mention the fact that it was expensive. Im a Computer Science student, so learning a new OS, would prove extremely useful, especially since a lot of businesses use unix based systems. I bought an xp computer recently and found it wasnt up to my standards of what I had come to expect from an OS after years of linux use.
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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #20 on: 16 June 2002, 06:55 »
I'm no dell-buying aol using typical grade A moron!  I actually built my computer from scratch from parts I got on the internet.  Very cheap and powerful.  One of the reasons I'll not be getting a Mac anytime soon.

PS I'm actually 12 now

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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #21 on: 16 June 2002, 23:54 »
Blah blah blah...

Damnit, SOMEONE SHUT UP AND BREAK INTO HIS BOX. I want to see a Linux user PROVE TO ME that they broke into a Windows XP box. So far, no one has.

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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #22 on: 17 June 2002, 02:16 »
Originally posted by Chooco:
Calum, isn't building up a militia to hack a guy's computer like super illegal? didn't they just rule that black hat hackers can get up to 20 years in jail? ironic how a smart person who hack gets 4x as much time in jail as a guy who stabs somebody......

actually because of XP users other post where he said:
go ahead, I don't care; try to break into my computer. It's running Windows XP home edition /w only the mere XP firewall running and all the latest security updates. Just, if you do break in don't delete anything, just put a text file on my desktop that says "you've been had, xp loser Linux rules" or something.

this means we have an actual written contract (or verbal since its a message board... I dunno) but he did invite us to break into his computer, therefore its not illegal.
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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #23 on: 17 June 2002, 06:22 »
excellent job there Bob  ;)

nobody managed to hax my L00nix box yet, why? i said XP user should break into mine

Ctrl Alt Del 123

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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #24 on: 17 June 2002, 08:12 »
We always hear of how insecure Windows is and all, but, who has actually been hacked (AND NOT BY A TROJAN OR VIRUS)?


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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #25 on: 17 June 2002, 21:32 »
the military, big companies, small companies, me

a girl from (won't mention any names) actually got INTO my computer and started scanning all my files and stuff. she sent me an email notifiying that i have nimba in either the "my shared files" or "my documents" folder.....i checked and there were 3 files in My Documents which were names like britney spears - hit me baby one more time .mp3.(suspicious suffix i forgot)
i deleted them then thanked she managed to get into my computer is what i have no idea.


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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #26 on: 17 June 2002, 13:24 »
well, i agree with Ctrl. So far, all mouth, no trousers, let's see windows' insecurity in action!  ;)
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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #27 on: 17 June 2002, 13:54 »
considering that we have to come up with a scheme to grab his ip in the first place. i don't think we will see his system get sent to whistle land. now since he *did* consent to people playing wargames on his box maybe you could bless us and share the info with us. i would try to send his comp 665 ways to hell but without an ip i can't try anything. and with my network setup, even if i did setup a server to use the img= to grab the little bastards ip, it would come up as, no matter who did it.
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The XP User IP/Open Port Contest Race!
« Reply #28 on: 17 June 2002, 14:31 »
i will not be posting his IP address here. If however member number 993 gives me his consent on these forums, i will gladly send a private message with his IP. I'm not about to do that until he specifically consents though, and i suspect he won't.

The [img] thing should be viable, just put an image in yr sig (a 1x1 pixel one even) and when he posts, you'll know he's online, and will be at that IP until he goes offline again. There must be a workaround for your situation...

still, as i say, if XP user consents to me handing out IPs, i may do so on the PMs, and it's possible he may be cocky enough to consent, since you, me and him are unlikely to be online all at one time, and the IP would need to change hands mucho fast to get to you before he went offline i suspect...
Also, he may not believe you can do anything nasty even if you do have his IP, and may give consent just to prove it.

It all depends on whether XP User wants to prove that windows XP is secure even when the intruder knows the IP address (and this should be the case, a random hack would use a random IP address, if the IP happened to be yours, you would need to be secure to fend it off...
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