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It's about time!
What do you folks think?
what do YOU think?
I haven't finished reading it yet...
In a nutshell:
"Researchers at the MIT Media Lab unveiled the Government Information Awareness, or GIA, website Friday. Using applications developed at the Media Lab, GIA collects and collates information about government programs, plans and politicians from the general public and numerous online sources. Currently the database contains information on more than 3,000 public figures.
The premise of GIA is that if the government has a right to know personal details about citizens, then citizens have a right to similar information about the government. "
I think that's really coool
It goes on to say that the site uses open source licences. Neat stuff. I dunno, just thought it was an interesting counterpoint to all the latest patriot act bullshit.
It's good to see that some people take action in response to recent government initiatives. It's perfectly fair that the American people at least know what their government is doing if they plan to invade their privacy. I applaud this move; it's a logical response, and the Independence Day is a very appropriate time to start that initiative.
"The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest,"
HA HA HA HA HA HA and so on
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