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Help! browser testing please!

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hello, can you give me a few minutes to help me test my site please?

please go to


using whatever browsers you have on whatever systems you have and then please post to let me know if it displays alright, or if there were problems, and if so what.

Also please let me know what browser/system you were using when said problems ocurred.

Thank you. I have just upgraded from phpBB 2.0.1 to 2.0.3 and would like to see if there are any horrible and hideous errors.

Using Mozilla with a cable modem and OS X. Looked fine to me, although it was a bit sluggish when I entered a topic and especially when I posted a reply.

yes, it's slow as buggery, that's the host's fault, when i get some money i will upgrade to a better host.

it turned out that the 2.0.3 files would only show the forum to people using MSIE! it sucked so i found the offending file and swapped it back to the old version. no noticable problems as of yet.

here's the full lowdown on this problem.

I will check the differences between the old and new versions of the file in question and see if i can't cut and paste to make the new one compatible with all browsers.

Master of Reality:
other than phpbb being ugly and the colours suck ass, it looks fine. Its not nearly as good as the Bob and Discordian messageboard at www.cults.tk

Chimera 0.6, looks perfect. Loads fast, but then Chimera is allways fast  :D

iMac 333Mhz OSX Jag


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