Author Topic: My burning hate for Microsoft  (Read 2013 times)


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« on: 10 September 2002, 08:09 »
I once had an imac as my only computer... those were some wild days.  Well anyway, lots of people made fun of me a school for having a mac.  I would, of course, get pissed off whenever this happend. A year ago, I finally got my own PC.  At the time it was quite nice(a year can really make your computer look shitty) and I am still glad I got it. However, I still think that Microsoft is the biggest pile of shit company that ever came around.  I use Windows XP ONLY becuase everything runs on it, and XP is the newest version.  However, XP is the most anoying OS becuase it gets in your face, has useless features, and... well... it just fucking sucks.  I still have my mac, and I use it with pride.  I know some Microsoft lover is going to read this and think I am some sort of "macie" so if you think this, then you can suck my left nut.

The next thing that pisses me off, it the price of EVERYTHING that microsoft makes.  Office XP is, like, $705 Buck or some rediculus amount.  KOffice is probably better, more usefull, can open other programs documents, and it is FREE. So why buy Office XP?  I don't understand. I guess that most of the other Office Apps are not on Windows.

Also there is the price of Windows itsesf.  Windows 98 is still $200 bucks!  That is terrible.  That OS is four years old now.  It should at least be really cheap, and if not that, then free.

XP Pro = $300
OSX 10.2 = $130 (my favorite)
Linux = FREE

Which one do you think is the LEAST powerful? Well lets see... Linux is UNIX bassed, OSX is UNIX bassed, Windows is... Uh... NT bassed.  Well it looks like Windows is the big pile of shit OS with its NT technology(if you call that Technology).  Oh look, Windows costs the most.  What a big fucking suprise.

Well I think I bitched enough for now.
I would enjoy to hear from others you hate the big evil empire like I do(not that this whole site is about that).

Long live Mac and Linux
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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #1 on: 10 September 2002, 08:20 »
Oh but that's *exactly* what this whole site is about. Welcome aboard!
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #2 on: 10 September 2002, 08:39 »
For me, Windows XP has bee the most useless piece of crap! ever!
The people at work hate it, and I fdisked it 10 minutes after I tried it at home.

If that thing wont run Lego's crap! And that bullshit about emulating previous Windows...Bullshit! That thing can't fucking emulate Windows  period!  :mad:
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #3 on: 10 September 2002, 11:21 »
I changed school man bcause the one i was going to, they didnt teach not even ONE unix class.
  I am not a guru on X. Far from it. But from research i have done before I changed major from Psych to CS, it was clear to me that its an X universe out there.


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #4 on: 10 September 2002, 12:39 »
I agree, Windows XP is ddictive, and infects the minds of its users, the govenment should put helth warnings on it!


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #5 on: 11 September 2002, 20:22 »
"When deep space exploration ramps up,
it will be corporations that name
everything. The IBM Stellar Sphere.
The Philip Morris Galaxy. Planet
Starbucks." - Jack
"you must accept the fact that one day you will die."


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #6 on: 11 September 2002, 21:39 »
Originally posted by SpaceMonkey:
"When deep space exploration ramps up,
it will be corporations that name
everything. The IBM Stellar Sphere.
The Philip Morris Galaxy. Planet
Starbucks." - Jack

LOL, I thought it was funnier than hell when the Huston Astros had to change the name of their ballpark because of the Enron scandal.
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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« Reply #7 on: 11 September 2002, 22:01 »
indeed, and yet a prime and unfortunate example of corporate dominace.
"you must accept the fact that one day you will die."


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #8 on: 12 September 2002, 21:53 »
original poster guy, sory to say but MacOS is not only like 100 bucks or whatever, it's more like $1000, how do i get my stupid ass number you ask? i'll shows you.

$1700 US x 1.5 = $2550 CDN
   800MHz PowerPC G4
60GB Ultra ATA drive
56K internal modem

kick ass Athlon Puter: $1485 CDN
 Asus A7V333  Via KT333 Chipset / DDR  $199.00
 AMD Athlon XP 2100+  Retail Boxed   $255.00
MSI Nvidia GeForce4 MX-420 64MB DDR / TV Out $130.00  
LG Studioworks 560N 15" $189.00 (because mac is built into monitor)
Western Digital 60 GB / 7200      $180.00  
512 MB PC2100 DDRAM      $199.00  
17" Dynamic ATX Case / 250W      $75.00
assumed $50 for heat sync
LG Combo 32X CD-RW / 16X DVD      $195.00
56k modem $10

mac price: $2550 (including OS)
x86 Athlon price: $1485

difference: $1065
we can now assume that MacOS costs approximately $1065


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #9 on: 12 September 2002, 12:51 »
oh come on! that's bullshit and you know it!

so what you're saying is that of course all that hardware is EXACTLY comparable?

bull fucking shit.

What if you already own a mac and you already own an i686? then which is the better deal?

what if your uncle has died and left you a thousand bucks ON CONDITION that you spend it only on Microsoft software, then which works out cheaper.

what if you spend ten minutes with your head submerged in ice cold water and then go out to the computer shop? then which is the better deal?

hey, there's an idea! why not try that last one and post back here with your results?  :D

your post reminds me of those mathematical proofs that 1=2 and all that crap.
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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #10 on: 12 September 2002, 18:33 »
You had to have paid the difference, at sometime or another.

He's not dissing Apple. He's pointing out the:

price/performance ratio.

Example: The current G4s, have a $999.00 flat screen monitor included in the bundle.

I've seen it, I've touched it, yes pretty, but I'm not gonna pay that!

 Customers are eligible to receive a rebate for each Apple display purchased with a qualifying computer. Example: Buy one (1) Power Mac and five (5) 17-inch Apple Studio Displays and receive a $1000 mail-in rebate.

Who's gonna buy 4 extra monitors? Hmm.

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]APPLE OFFER

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]

I'm not dissing Apples, but I am extremely envious of anyone who can blow that much on a system.  :D

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]

*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #11 on: 12 September 2002, 20:29 »
i agree with you! however you get what you pay for. there's a reason that macs are more expensive than i386 types. Basically, you buy into one and you get a nice sturdy machine, with guarantees and support, buy the other and you get more freedom, customisability and so forth, but no guarantees of compatibility or support unless you pay for those on top, which will bring the price up and still may end up much more of a headache than getting a mac.

what i'm saying is that while you may pay more for one than the other (and i bet it's possible to pay much more for a shop configured, fully insured 'PC' than you would for a comparable nonguarantee not-quite-new mac, if such a thing is being sold), it is still tough nuts to compare them in this biased way. it just reminds me of those sums where you can prove that you spend X hours per year sleeping, X hours per year eating, X hours per year on the train (or in your car), X hours per year pissing and so on, and they end up proving that you have minus 34 days' free time each year! it just does not, in all seriousness, add up.

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #12 on: 13 September 2002, 05:26 »
dude, my example Apple was the one that is a 15" flat screen (CTR, NOT LCD)
the puter is called an eMac look here: emac
i'm sure it's a good computer but it's very costly.

as for your 1=2, i can do the next best thing. open up a notepad file and copy this into it:

Code: [Select]
then compile it with a C++ compiler

it's not really 1=2 but it's pretty close lol      

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: Chooco ]

X hours per year pissing and so on, and they end up proving that you have minus 34 days' free time each year! it just does not, in all seriousness, add up.

hey i've actually learned the flaw of that in math class. the flaw is that they expect you to do 1 thing at once. they may say "you spend 2 hours pissing per day" and "8 hours at school" then add that up to 10 hours even though maybe 1 hour of that pissing was while you were at school. sort of neato  

[ September 12, 2002: Message edited by: Chooco ]


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #13 on: 13 September 2002, 06:47 »
The $999 LCD monitor costs $999 for a reason. It's much brighter then most LCDs, and on the ones that I used (a few) I couldn't find dead pixels.


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My burning hate for Microsoft
« Reply #14 on: 13 September 2002, 15:44 »
wow! i could really clock up my own spare time if i learned how to burp, eat, fart, piss, work, sleep and breathe all at the same time!

also, i reckon from reading that example of code that it exploits the inherent rounding up capacity of integers, which is not really maths...

i could be wrong, i didn't compile it to see what it does, but that's my understanding...
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