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My burning hate for Microsoft
Hi All,
WinXp is what finally drove me to Linux. Worse than bad, without using language that would be improper for children who may be surfing the internet it is really almost impossible for me to fully express my total and utter contempt for it.
I have no opinion on macs since I've never used one, but I'm just beginning to learn to use Linux and am seriously impressed with its versatility and power. I'm also a bit confused by the variety of distros and options, but I want to learn more and am dedicated to becoming M$-free in the near future.
Some of you may find the thread I started on http://www.windowsbbs.com interesting. Having been a member there for a while and having helped folks stuck in the mire of M$Windows for a while, I haven't been booted yet, but rather expect it to happen soon. Head to the "general discussions" area and read the thread "am I nuts or is this the way to go" thread. My nick there is dishawjp. Surprisingly, there have been favorable comments from a forum composed of mostly Windroids saying that Linux=good, WinXP=bad. I'm just a LinuxNewbie and would never have gotten as far as I have if it hadn't been for the support I've received from members of this forum. Just thought that some of you might be interested in what I said there.
With only about 2 weeks into Linux, I'm sitting in front of a very old computer connecting with [email protected], listening to a music CD, checking out CarbonLinux.com for my next toy, reading and sending e-mail and working towards full freedom from M$. Oh, did I mention that I was swilling beer? Well, if this is a totally incoherent post, forgive me. I'm just so fu@king happy to be finally being able to work towards getting out of Windows hell forever that it's hard to contain myself.
Good post dosman! The release of Windows95 is what drove me full throttle into Linux even though I had been using it at work long before that.
[ September 13, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
dude, comeon, your on a website with the word FUCK written on it, come one, vent about how shitty windows is. i mean for files systems, ummm, beat reiserfs i bet windows can't. beat xfs, or ffs, but just not ext2/3. hmmmm, performance, can you play 700meg divx on your 400mhz k6-3 under windows, while running at a screen res of 1600x1200?. hell, is your gui even fluid at 1600x1200 on a 400mhz box?. mine is, then agian, gnome2 is a bit faster then gnome1.4. but still. and for the ultimate, can i build my own version of windows from scratch? NO.
and btw, anyone with real info and not just assumtions, can you say some stuff aobut the performance of linux filesystems/*reiserfs, xfs, jfs, ext3 and other friends, preferably journald*/
Hmmmmm...I like that!
Hi Guys,
Chaosforages, under special circumstances, I use foul language. I found this site when, in exterme frustration with Windows I typed "fuck Windows" into google. On all my Windows computers I have a "shit.bat" and a "fuck.bat" file that return special messages when I type those words at the command line. I'm no Puritan, but I tend to use profanity as a next-to-last resort. The last resort.... well, I don't want homeland security knocking down my doors, so I'll leave that unsaid :)
Void Main, your help has been invaluable in helping me free myself from M$ slavery. You, Creedon, Master of Reality /Bob and others gave me tne encouragement and support I needed to break the chains.
Oh, did I mention that I'm totally hammered? On the second 12 pack. So forgive me if I step on some toes or forget to mention others who have helped me here.
I really love the power of the Linus command line. I've always been a "command line" kind of guy. Be it Unix, VMS or DOS, or that lousy excuse for an OS Windows, lived and worked with the command line. One problem I am currently having with Linux is configuring "mail." It gives the retuen address of [email protected]. Sends mail fine, but folks can't easily reply to it. I edited the pinerc file so that works fine, but the plain old Unix mail is still hosed and that's what I'd rather use. It's a command line thing.
Dsmn , I'm drunk.... and need to head to the 'fridge for more beer.
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