Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Kids these days...

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Ok, so I just made a site and told everyone to go on it. THere was this one link on the site where wen u click it, it goes to this page and it starts to sing "you are an idiot hahahahahahaha" and then thers like all these popups comin out saying ur an idiot and the only way to close it all is to end task (in MS) everything. So my frend talks to me on MSN(which im sorry to say i use it). heres wat happend:

IDIOTS!!!! says: fuck you
nahasa says: wat?
IDIOTS!!!! says: i clcik on the "ub3r" on your site
IDIOTS!!!! says: and i cant close it!
IDIOTS!!!! says: help!
nahasa says: lolz
IDIOTS!!!! says: help i cant close it!
nahasa says: lolz just end task everything

*idiots is offline
*idiots comes back on 5 minits later

IDIOTS!!!! says: fuck you you almost crashed my comp
IDIOTS!!!! says: why did u even put that on your site anyways
nahasa says: prank
IDIOTS!!!! says: stfu i can sue you you no
nahasa says: uh no you cant cuz i have sumthing that sez i wont take ne responsibility if someone screws up their comp while visiting this site
IDIOTS!!!! says: ur so gay
nahasa says: wuts rong with bein gay?

ok now heres the stupid part:
IDIOTS!!!! says: u no its illegal to spam windows and ull get screwed big time if my windows is screwed up
nahasa says: no and i dont care microsoft sucks ne wayz

jebus christ kids are so obbessed with microsoft thse days. hope i will change their minds wen i present my parody on microsoft next week...jebus...

honestly you dont need a parody of windows, it's insulting enough to itself. speaking of which, x11 made a thing you may find (slightly) entertaining, i dont have a link though.

if you think about it you can make up tons of spin-offs from the word microsoft.

craprosoft, f***rosoft, etc.

I hereby loungify this thread. It really isn't news, or even that relevent to M$.
If the lounge mods disagree, then you can move it back...I'm very non-chalant today  

im still waiting for someone to take advantage of the win32.dll exploit thru a website. maybe have it take complete control over the comp and let the luser know that microlimp cant fix it and linux cannot be touched by it.
just a thought at least, i am in no way responsible for what anyone does with this idea for i live in a free speech society  ;)    ;)    ;)


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