Miscellaneous > The Lounge

Bill Gates Hotmail Account

<< < (2/4) > >>

Alright, alright, I know it's a joke! I was just curious, OK?

The number to the right is incorrect. There are 25 messages in total, and 20 new ones.

Why does it say "22?" This makes it obvious that it's doctored.

This makes me sad.

  :(    :(    :(    :(    :(

No, there are really 22 new messages there. The Hotmail Staff one and the MSN Internet Service ones are new messages. If they had already been read the newpaper icon wouldn't appear next to the message.

I still that it is fake though. Why would BillyG take a screenshot of his inbox to begin with(especially knowing that sharks on the internet would love to get their hands on the pic)? There is no logical reason to do so.  

My conlclusion is somebody had too much time on their hands so they made that image for a laugh.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up.

Your Hotmail Kung-Fu is obviously greater than mine.

Though, it's obviously a joke.

God some of you people are so bitchy! Yup Laukev, Viper etc... it's joke   :D  

I thought it would be nice to share with you good people, I now how you all like this kinda thing so much, hehehe.


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