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Web Site Development - Things I Despise!

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Here's one Webmaster can participate in, hopefully I don't piss him off and make him kick me out.

Things that make web sites suck, or just web sites that suck:

1) MSN Wrappers around commercial sites
2) Shockwave/Flash Intro pages
3) Excessive use of animated gifs
4) Poorly implemented frames
4.a) any use of an iframe
5) excessive use of Java and JavaScript
5.a) having this browser check:

--- Code: ---
--- End code ---
6) Use of vbscript
7) http://www.espn.com
8) http://www.nhl.com
9) Passport
10) ASP

My list is much longer than this but I'll wait and see if anyone can add to the list.

[ December 20, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

What about those irritating 'Click Here To Enter' front pages?  :mad:

popups that tell you nothing

popups that come up when you leave the site

scripts that prevent easy use of the back feature (a page that redirects you to the next page... so back just takes you to the redirector)

clicking a link and getting an advertisement page that directs you to your intended page 5 seconds later.

forums where people open up 2 year old threads  :D


quote:Originally posted by Stryker:
forums where people open up 2 year old threads   :D  
--- End quote ---

haha. nice  ;)

oh yeah. i hate sites with huge annoying background images with text over it that completely destroys all legibility. people with images that are scaled down and misproportioned so it makes the site take hours to load. and blogs. even though i have one  

For a second I thought void main was back.


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