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Web Site Development - Things I Despise!
There are 2 sites, other than the one of the World Wide Web Consortium of course, which every potential web designer should visit:
and Eric Raymond's HTML hell page at:
popups, flash.shockwave (unless it's something like www.homestarrunner.com )
too much design, not enough content.
when the whole site is in a javascript popup. *grr*
btw, here's a badly done site (on purpose) by me:
hope you hate it.
I hate it when people dig up ancient ass threads
I thought Void Main was back here for a second there.
Can't make a website more lame than this:
Although it says refalm.com at the end, this is not my website. gush-xpx is the website of a friend who hasn't got a clue about webdesigning.
1. He uses Flash for a simple mouse-over (thanks for not supporting Lynx now, asshat).
2. He stole my PNG picture and turned it into a lame jpg (it isn't transparent anymore too).
3. His fucktard friend shows a lame JavaScript which says "This is the info about your IE".
4. He's got a stupid Flash intro.
5. The menu is Flash too, which isn't good for Lynx and requires scrolling down.
6. Lame "The Pianist" banner at the bottom.
7. Steam is cool, but there is no point in placing Steam logo's all over the place.
8. Too much "Under Construction".
9. Thanks for not including me in the "Best Friends" page.
So I was thinking about braking the DNS link.
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