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Need advice for school
quote:Originally posted by bazoukas:
Voidman sometimes I just get pissed cause people that go BY THE BOOK like anal retentive freaks end up not knowing jackshit compared with others who go via the back roads (not to say that i am MR know it all - i cant even claim that I know-, but compared to the other students, shit i know more).
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There's this little old saying that goes something like this: It's not who ya know, it's who ya... uh, forget that one, let's try a different one: Yer damned if ya do, and yer damned if ya don't.
First of all when it comes down to it grades aren't everything. But you *should* try and get as much out of every one of your classes as you can, even the non-major classes. If you do this, the "A" will be a byproduct. You just might be glad 5-10-15-20 years down the road when you have a flashback like this: "gee, I remember a situation just like this back in my Psychology class, good thing I was listening". But also learn as much as you can outside of class. You can never go back and change your grades once you get them (unless you are good at the first "saying" above). You have all of the time in the world to get street smart.
As long as you aren't out partying every night like Steve Balmer and George Bush did you will make it big (uh, never mind, I don't know what I am talking about).
[ November 19, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
Doctor V:
Its very true that one can really know nothing of their field, yet get high marks, and another could struggle through college, but really know their shit. Universitys are horridly brearucratic institutions that really only care about numbers. If getting inot a big school is your goal, getting all As and stuff is the way to go. Devoting your energy to out of school stuff, web servers, C++ and linux tutorials is a lot more fun, but it will neither prepare you for school nor the real world.
I think (not sure) I will be doing a Web Design job this holidays, there is a company that are basicly is an agency for companys that need web designers, they would tell me what the company wants, i do it... give them my work... they sell it to the Company... They pay me after they take a small percenatage of the money. Its usually around $1000-3000 per site or something.
I might do computer science but I think ill just be a web designer and drop out (kidding) ill stay in school but I think Web Design is a good path for me. I already know PHP and stuff so im on the track.
This is how you really succeed:
1. Take a sledgehammer to your kneecaps and live off welfare for the rest of your life.
2. Blow all your teachers and get them to give you perfect grades.
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